The Final Battle

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Inside, Ratigan was completely consumed by hatred. Gone was the egotistical gentleman; in his place was a terrifyingly dangerous monster. He runs through and around the many gears, his clothes becoming torn and ragged.

Outside, Maria tugged on Basil's coat and pointing to Dawson, Olivia and Hiram, who are approaching. Ratigan was getting closer. Basil, realizing him coming, lifts Maria into his arms, holding her up. Dawson was holds Hiram by his apron as the toymaker was leaning forward as far as he can, trying to reach Maria.

Basil: Closer, Dawson! Closer!

Ratigan leaps onto the striking hammer, nearly falling, but scrambles up and leaps forward. Basil is still trying to lift Maria as high as he can, but Hiram can't quite make it.

Maria: (Pained) I can't reach! I can't reach!

Basil turns just in time to see Ratigan leap forward to tackle him. He grunts as Ratigan catches him midsection and the three topple downward. Down below Ratigan was still holding onto Basil and Maria.

Basil tries to grasp the top of the tower, but between the rain and Ratigan's weight, he can't get a good grip. They separate as they fall down the face of the clock. Midfall, Ratigan grabs Basil again, and they hit the hour hand. Basil and Maria was sent flying across and lands, their upper bodies laying over the edge.

Their vision blurred for only a second, they moves back. Ratigan was nowhere in sight as Dawson calls out to their approaching the edge of the hand. The thunderstorm was meanwhile shown to be very intense.

Dawson: Basil! Over here!

Basil was relieved, and jumps into the balloon,but Maria was barely able to take a single step towards her friends when Ratigan attacks her from behind, lifting her up with one arm. Maria manages to wriggle free and runs up towards the edge, but with frightening speed and agility, Ratigan was there, blocking her path.

Ratigan: There's no escape this time, wench!

Maria slides down the hand of Big Ben and tries to put distance between her and the raging rat, but he is there once more, blocking her. Ratigan holds out his hand and unsheathes his razor-sharp claws, and hits Maria twice with such force it sends her flying back. Her friends are trying to reach him as fast as they can, but Maria can't hold out much longer.

Before she can even stand, Ratigan hits her at the face. Finally, he had drawn blood. Maria stumbled back, her hands covering a gash across her muzzle ,A hard swipe across the chest knocked her off her feet. Gnashing his teeth, Ratigan swung downward as Maria turned her back on him to try and stand up. The black claws truly met their mark that time, slicing into the flesh of Maria's back and sending pieces of fur and cloth flying. Maria cried out, falling to her knees. The next heavy blow smacked her to the very tip of the hour hand. She scrambled away from the edge and staggered up again, clutching her bleeding arm in pain.

Ratigan was upon her in a moment, still too rage-blind to recognize that Maria was on the verge of collapse. It was too profoundly satisfying to quit now. With yet another brutal smack to the throat, the battered mouse was flung up in the air and over the edge, where she just managed to grab hold. Ratigan snarled with savage frustration. He looked down, surveying the drop. It was a good seventy or eighty meters to the ground. Maria was staring up at him with huge, terrified eyes, his tattered jacket blowing in the gusts. Maria almost let go at the sight. Ratigan's bulging yellow eyes and enormous teeth were just above her. His head appeared small in front of the massive shoulders and shaggy muscled chest. His breath hissed noisily through his teeth as he raised his hand high over his head.

Lightning strikes as Ratigan rears back. Maria braces herself, but Ratigan's blow sends her down.

Dawson and Basil both try to grab for her, but they missed. They stare in disbelief as their friend plummets to the ground. Ratigan himself almost doesn't believe it, but a cruel smile spreads across his face as he leaps up and laughs maniacally.

Ratigan: I've won! That wench is gone!

However, his victory was cut short...

Maria: On the contrary!

Maria has managed to catch the propellor of the ruined dirigible, as well as something else of value for!Ratigan.

Maria: The game's not over yet!

Maria rings Ratigan's bell. Ratigan only has time to check his pocket for his missing bell before 10:00 strikes. The striking hammer falls, and Big Ben sounds off. The vibrations force Ratigan over the edge and he falls.

He makes one final grab at Maria, catching her by her dress. The ropes snap under the extra weight. Ratigan falls as Maria clings to the propeller, which has snapped free. Basil, Olivia, Dawson and Hiram are helpless as both Ratigan and Maria, screaming, disappear below the clouds, but Ratigan was defeated. Then Olivia turns to her father and begins to sob.

Basil could stare below with his tears flowing down his face and dropped to his knees and brace himself with his hands.

Basil: (Sobbing in pain) Maria....

A squeaking noise was approaching from below, and he leans to look down, along with Olivia. Maria was slowly making his way back up, pedaling with all her might as the propeller was lifting her higher. She hears her friends cheering and smiles.

Dawson: Ho ho! Hooray!

Olivia: Hooray! It's Maria!

She hugs Dawson as Hiram jumps up and down.

Dawson: Good fellow. Jolly good!

Maria jumped off the propeller, and falls into Basil's arms. He stares at her with love and adoration.

Basil: (Smiles) You have to be the most craziest mouse I have ever known

Maria: (Smiles back at him) A minor setback.

Basil gently kiss her forehead

Something dawned on Maria

Maria: Oh! And before I forget there is something I wanted to give you.

Basil: (Lifts a eyebrow in confusion) What is it?

Maria lifts her head and kisses Basil on the lips, Basil shocked for a moment, and then kisses back with their eyes closing softly.

They break the kiss and say at the same time....

Basil and Maria: (Smiling with love towards each other) I love you (Hugs each other)

The storm was over as the five friends are finally together and safe.

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