Ratigans Plan: Part 2

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Outside Buckingham Palace, 'Rule Britannia' plays in trumpets as well dressed mice are entering to see the Jubiliee.

Inside her bedroom, the Queen was preparing herself. Little does she know that just outside her doors, her guards have been ambushed and replaced by Ratigan's thugs.

Thug: Psst-over here. Come over here.

The Queen was distracted by the sound of knocking at her door and adjusts her crown before answering.

Queen: Hmm? Come in.

Thug: Ah, begging your Majesty's pardon. A present has just arrived in honor of your Jubilee.

The thug moves aside as Fidget and several others bring the large package inside. The Queen was delighted, and walks over.

Queen: A present? Oh how wonderful! Ah, I just adore Jubilees.

Fidget hands her the attached note.

Fidget: Here you are, sweetheart.

The Queen opens the note and eyes Fidget suspiciously.

Queen: Have you... been with us... long?

The Queen begins reading the note. "To our beloved Queen, this gift we send, as her 60 year reign..."

Her expression and voice twist in puzzlement at the final line.

Queen: "...comes to an end?"

Fidget and the other thugs pull the ribbons and sides down to reveal an exact robot replica of the Queen. She studies it.

Queen: How extraordinary!

Suddenly, the robot comes to life and grabs at the Queen. She runs as the Robot Queen chases her around the bedroom.

Queen: Goodness gracious!

The robot suddenly halts, as Ratigan appears at her doorway with Hiram, operating the controls.

Ratigan: Amazing likeness, isn't it, Your Majesty?

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