Following and Defeated

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Mice are strangling each other, hitting them with whatever they can, be it a shoe, a chair, or kicking them as they swing from a ceiling lamp. The barmaid and bartender rush over to break up the fight as Fidget enjoys his mug of Rodent's Delight.

Several gunshots go off, some of which shatter the light bulbs. Basil has found Dawson and was helping him sit up, while Maria was lightly slapping his cheek to wake him up.

Basil: Dawson? Dawson!

The drug wore off, and Dawson awakes from Maria's light slapping.

Dawson: What? What?

He then sees the fight in progress.

Dawson: What in heaven's name is going on?

Basil: I've spotted our peg-legged-

Basil looks to the bar, but Fidget was gone. Basil helps Dawson to his feet to begin looking for the bat.

Basil: Come on. There's not a moment to lose.

The bar fight has become even more violent. Basil sees a trapdoor behind the bar and He, Maria, and Dawson move towards it, unnoticed. The fight continues as Dawson climbs down the passageway, with Maria, and Basil right behind him. Basil quietly shuts the door, just as a chair flies over and hits it.

Down below, Basil sees Fidget up ahead, climbing into a drain pipe. Basil motions for Dawson and Maria to follow him and they quietly creep behind, as Fidget sings Miss Kitty's song to himself:

Fidget: (Singing) Let me be good to you...Ba-boo ba-boom...So dream on, and drink your beer...Your baby's here!

Maria shudders at that song.

Maria: (angry whispering) Remind me to find whoever wrote that horrible song, so I can strangle them later for it.

Basil snickered at her, and looked innocently away when she glared at him

They look into the pipe, seeing Fidget pick up his lantern and disappear into the darkness.

Dawson: Basil-

Basil shushes him and climbs inside the pipe.

He turns around and faces Dawson and Maria

Basil: Follow me.

Maria climbs inside the pipe, followed by Dawson

It was dark inside, while Basil, Maria nd Dawson as they climb their way up the pipe.

Dawson: Great Scott. I can't see a thing.

Basil: Shh. Grab my coat and follow along. No, no, no, not that way. Dawson, look out for your-

A sealed cap rattles as Dawson walks straight into it.

Dawson: Oww! Confound it!

Maria giggled

Maria began moving up along with Basil and Dawson.

Maria: Do you have any idea where we're going?

Basil: But of course. Left turn. Right turn

Basil lifts up the grate to discover what he has been looking for.

Basil: Ah-ha, Dawson! Maria! We found it! Ratigan's secret lair!

He climbs out and holds the grate open for Maria and Dawson

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