The Toy Shop

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Later in the street, where Toby is sniffing at the ground. He gives a sudden howl and breaks into a run.

Olivia was holding on to Basil's waist at Toby's collar, while Maria is in front of Basil and said mouse was steading Maria by holding her waist.

Basil: The thrill of the hunt, eh, Dawson?

Dawson was desperately clinging to Toby's tail and gives a nervous chuckle at the irony of that statement.

Dawson: Q-q-quite!

Basil: Oh-hoo-hoo. Our peg-legged quarry can't be far now.

Inside a toy shop. Fidget was inside, removing the Royal British Guard uniforms from toy soldiers. He stuffs them into his sack and reaches into his wing pocket for Ratigan's list and a pencil. He reads from the list and checks along as he goes.

Fidget: "Get the following. Tools", check. I got tools. "Gears", double check. I got gears. "Girl"...

He makes a check under "girl", but then erases it, remembering he does not have Olivia yet.

Fidget: No, didn't get girl. "Uniforms"...(Chuckles) I got plenty of uniforms!

He chuckles again, and is then startled as Toby howls outside.

Fidget: Oh no, oh no. I gotta hide! I gotta hide! Ooh, I gotta hide!

Fidget grabs the hats from the soldiers and stuffs them into his bag. He jumps on top of a clown toy and onto a higher shelf, as the list flutters in front of the toy soldiers without him noticing.

Back outside, Basil has jumped off Toby's muzzle onto the window ledge.

Basil: Splendid job, Toby!

Maria was standing on Toby's muzzle with Olivia on her back and holds out her arms towards Basil, who gives her a look of kindness, but holds his arms out to her. She jumps and he catches her, and sets her down, nudging her forward.

Dawson gets rightened as Toby begins to growl at him again. Dawson tips his hat and was prepared to make a hasty jump, but Toby gives a deliberate sniff, which sends Dawson tumbling head over heels, hitting Basil. Basil looks down at Dawson, then to Toby.

Basil: Now Toby...sit!

Toby remains standing. Basil marches back down the window still and stands in front of his dog, speaking more strictly that time.

Basil: Toby.., sit.

Maria: Sit, Toby.

Toby promptly sits. Basil stares at Maria impressed.

Basil: Good boy.

Basil moves past Olivia.

Basil: If you'll excuse me.

Olivia: (To Toby) You be good now. We're going to find my father.

Basil is humming to himself as he inspects the ledge and window. His humming slows as he sees a tiny hole in the center of the small round window. He points at it triumphantly.

Basil: Ah-ha! Here is our friend's entrance.

Maria: But Basil, how could he fit through such a tiny...

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