Reunited and A Evil Plot

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Ratigan's lair

Where Hiram was working on the robot. He tenses as Ratigan enters the workroom.

Ratigan: Ah, Mr. Flaversham.

Hiram eyes Ratigan warily as he holds his cape dramatically.

Ratigan: Allow me to present...your charming daughter!

Ratigan moves his cape to reveal Olivia in Fidget's grasp.

Hiram: Olivia!

Olivia: Father!

Fidget keeps a tight hold on Olivia as she rushes towards Flaversham. Olivia stomps on his foot and runs to her father as Fidget hops up and down in pain.

Fidget: Owww! My foot, my only foot!

Olivia hugs her lost father and cries.

Olivia: Oh Father! (cries) I thought I'd never find you!

Hiram: Oh, there, there, there, there, my bairn. I'm all right. Oh, I was so worried about my little girl.

Ratigan: Oh, how sweet.

He wipes his eyes with his handkerchief.

Ratigan: (cries) Oh, I just love tearful reunions.

The rat then grabs the young girl back.

Ratigan: Now, come along, my dear.

Olivia: Oh please! Please!

She reaches out towards Hiram as Fidget takes her away.

Olivia: Father!

Hiram: Olivia!

Hiram is being restrained by Ratigan and tries to plead with the nefarious mouse.

Hiram: Oh please, professor!

Ratigan: Now, now, Fidget will take good care of her. (Threateningly) That is, as long as we have no further delays!

Flaversham fearfully returns to work on the robot.

Hiram: Yes, yes, I-I'll finish it. Oh, just don't hurt my daughter.

Rattigan stands at the doorway, about to close the door.

Ratigan: Remember, it must be ready...tonight!

He slams the door.

Next, Fidget was shwon carrying Olivia towards a bottle, lying on its side.

Olivia: Stop! Let me go! You ugly old thing!

Fidget pushes her inside and puts the cork in the bottle.

Fidget: That ought to hold ya!

Olivia get in the green bottle by the cork.

Olivia: (Shouts) Help! LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!!!

Fidget: See how you like that!

He blows her raspberry, then strides away towards Ratigan, who is looking through the bag.

Ratigan: Ah, the uniforms. Oh Fidget, I knew I could rely on you. Now, you didn't forget anything?

Fidget: (Cackles) No problem. I took care of everything. Everything on the list.

Unfortunately, as he opens his wing to display the list, he realizes it's missing and frantically searches for it.

Fidget: Uh-oh...

Ratigan gets angry.

Ratigan: What's wrong?

Fidget continues patting himself down.

Fidget: (Panicked) The list...I know...

Ratigan: (Becoming angrier) Where's the list?

Fidget: (Nervously) The list, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well you see, uh, it was like this. I was in the toy store getting uniforms when I heard "A-roo A-roo" [i.e. Toby].

Ratigan: (Puzzled, impatiently) You're not coming through.

Fidget imitates a dog, panting.

Fidget: A dog came. I ran. I had baby bonnet, girl in bag and Basil chased me.

Hearing the last piece of information, Ratigan cracks.

Ratigan: What? Basil on the case?! Why you gibbering little...

Fidget cowers as Ratigan clutches his chest, apparently having a heart attack. His face turns red with fury, but just as quickly as his temper rose, Ratigan calms down with a chuckle. He scoops Fidget into his arms.

Ratigan: Oh, my dear Fidget. You have been hanging upside down too long.

Fidget: You mean, you're not mad? I'm glad you're taking it so well.

Ratigan carries Fidget to the back. There was silence until the sound of a bell ringing and Fidget's screams.

Around the corner, Felicia was holding Fidget, attempting to have the bat for dinner. Fidget keeps making desperate attempts to escape.

Fidget: (Panicking) Not me, you idiot. No, stop you stupid fur ball!

Felicia squeezes Fidget and placed him in her mouth.

Fidget: (shouting inside Felicia's mouth) Open up! Open up! Ai, ai, ai! Oh, ow! You're hurting my wings!

Ratigan has his back turned and was leaning against a bottle, rubbing his temples.

Ratigan: (Ragingly) How dare that idiot Basil poke his stupid nose into my wonderful scheme and foul up everything!

Fidget: (Flying around Felicia's mouth) Let me out! Let me out!

Fidget has managed to climb out of Felicia's mouth. "HELP!!"

Felicia stuff him back inside and keep her mouth plugged with one of her paws.

Ratigan looks at his reflection in the bottle

Ratigan: Oh, I can just see that insufferable grin on his smug face.

He bangs his head against the bottle and winces in pain, but suddenly has a wicked idea and smiles to match.

Ratigan: Yes... Yes, I can just see it. (Chuckles) Felicia, release him.

Fidget: I'm too young to die!

Felicia pouts for a moment, then spits the poor mangled bat out.

Ratigan, having found some use for the bat after all, holds him up by his cheeks.

Ratigan: Fidget, you delightful little maniac. You've presented me with a singular opportunity.

He drops Fidget, feigning a look of concern.

Ratigan: Poor Basil! (Malevolently) Oh, he is in for a little surprise.

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