Professor Ratigan

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Inside a prison, a mechanical robot is pouring tea into a cup. Hiram is working at a podium, controlling its movements. Ratigan is at the door, monitoring his progress. Ratigan's voice is oily and gentlemanlike.

Ratigan (Chuckles evilly) Quite an ingenious scheme, eh, Flaversham? And aren't you proud to be a part of it?

Hiram: This whole thing...i-i-it's monstrous!

He continues working at the controls, getting the robot to pour a spoonful of sugar into the teacup and stir.

Ratigan: We will have our device ready by tomorrow evening, won't we? You know what will happen if

In Ratigan's hands was a small gold bell which obviously holds a certain threat. He rings it once, but instead of being afraid, Hiram becomes angry and defiant.

Hiram: I-I-I don't care!

He jerks hard on the controls, making the robot dump the cup of tea on its head. The robot seizes the teapot and pours that onto its head as well, then hurls it towards Ratigan, who dodges just in time.

The robot was flailing around and finally stops, but not before squirting oil out, which lands on Ratigan's coat. The rat scowls at the resultant stain. Ratigan wiped the oil away and

Hiram: You can do what you want with me. I won't be a part of this... this...this evil any longer!

Ratigan breathes out his cigarette smoke, then smiles.

Ratigan: (Biting off rage) Mmm... (Normally) Very well. If that is your decision.

Rattigan noticed Olivia's ballerina doll.

Rattigan: (Calmly) Oh, uh, by the way, I'm taking the liberty of having your daughter brought here.

He pick's up Olivia's ballerina doll and winds it up.

Hiram: O-Olivia?

Ratigan: Yes. Hm-hm, yes.

Ratigan sets the doll down and watches it dance.

'Ratigan: (Mockingly) I would spend many a sleepless night if anything unfortunate were to befall her.

Hiram: wouldn't?!

Ratigan picks up the doll again, and squeezes it until it breaks. He gazes at the doll in mock sorrow, then lunges threateningly at Hiram.

Ratigan: (Yelling) FINISH IT, FLAVERSHAM!!

With a heavy heart, Hiram does as he's told. Outside, Ratigan was humming to himself as he writes a list.

Ratigan: Oh, I love it when I'm nasty.

He looks above the doorway to another barrel, where Fidget was hanging from the faucet, sleeping.

Ratigan: Fidget?

Fidget didn't wake up.

Ratigan: (Calling back in Fidgets ear) FIDGET!

Startled, the bat falls from his perch and rolls down the stairs at Ratigan's feet.

Ratigan: Bright and alert as always. Here's the list. You know what to do, and no mistakes!

Fidget looks at the list.

Fidget: No, no. No mistakes, sir.

Fidget quickly reads the list.

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