Where am I?

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Harry's POV

"Just take her and go." Louis said. I picked her up and flug her over my shoulder. "you got a nice girl there mate, not as good as Eleanor, but she's still hot." I grunted, "yeah whatever you say. I like her." as we walked back to the hideout I studied her. beautiful brown curls that go about waist length, brown eyes that suck you into a trap you can never escape. "She's a great catch. lets hurry." "Right." and with that we rushed back to base.


Katie's POV

When I woke up I knew I wasn't in my dorm, I was in a king sized bed with a navy blue silk comforter, and white sheets. My head hurt like crazy! as I looked around I saw Harry walk in. "oh thank goodness you're awake! I was worried you'd killed yourself when you hit that tree. How're you feeling?" "Where am I?" I asked him. "oh you're at my dorm, I didn't know which one you lived in so I brought you here." I nodded. "gah!" I gasp as I felt a sharp pain rip through my head. "a-are you alright!? you hit yourself pretty hard ill go get you some Advil."

(Authors note, please comment what you think of this story! Carry on :))

I laid down on the silk pillow case, 'what exactly happened last night?' I thought really hard, oh yeah... being my clumsy self and tripping on a brick. Whoopie. Harry returned with the pills and I took them. blech I hate medicine. It tastes nasty! "thanks Harry, that helped a lot." I said smiling. "No problem. if you'll excuse me ill be right back." He walked out of the room, I sighed. 'I wonder how Shannon is, I hope she's alright!'

********** a few minutes later ***********

Harry returned with a friend I'm guessing? "Ello love my names Louis, nice to meet you!" he said sticking his hand out. "Katie..." I say grabbing it.

Then three others came in, one with blonde hair another with brown short hair and then a black haired one with a blonde streak. "hello, nice to meet you! I'm Niall." the blonde says. "and I'm Liam and that's Zayn. he doesn't talk much." Liam says holding his hand out for me. "Katie Bayouth. Now it nice meeting all of you but if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to my dorm, where are we exactly I don't see campus..." "oh that's because we're not in campus anymore, we're in the woods." Louis says cheerfully. Liam smacks him. "you weren't supposed to say that!" I'm where...?

"Why am I in the woods!? Where are these woods exactly!?" They all stood there just staring out the window as Niall started whistling, as if he were stalling. "Harry... where are we?!" I growled. "w-we're in.... London.."

London!? that 300 miles away from campus I got up and went to the window, the middle of nowhere.

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