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Katie's POV

Harry and I dropped out of school with Shannon and Liam, the smell of blood was too overwhelming. We lived a long LONG, life. Harry took me out on a couple dates, it took him two years to propose. And of course I said yes!! The wedding is today! Shannon, Kaylea and the girls are my bridesmaids.

Anyways lets go get married!

"And do you Kathryn Elizabeth Bayouth, take Harry to be your husband?"

I took a deep breath. "I do."

"You may now kiss the bride."

Harry smirked and grabbed my waist, pulling me in for a kiss. I smiled the whole time. "So what about kids?" he whispered. "I'm 20 now... but I'm still not ready." I whisper back.

He smiles and mouths 'that's ok we'll wait.' And winks, making me blush.

**************a few years later**************

It was 12:00 a.m

I sighed happily as I held my new born daughter in my arms. I rocked her back and forth, humming a lullaby. "How is she?" I hear Harry whisper. " Almost asleep." I smile back. "Can I hold her?" he asked.

"Sure." I handed her over to Harry and he started to sing. I pulled my hair into a messy bun, closed my eyes and laid back. Hearing Harry's voice put me at peace, it's just so calming and beautiful. I hummed along until I fell asleep, dreaming of the future.

(A/n that is her vampire power. She can also read minds and fly.)

I dreamt of a dark heavy storm, thunder crashing lighting hitting everything. Total destruction.

The power in the house was out, there was flash of lighting that showed... Sean? no way I killed him. this guy had brown hair not blonde, and he was holding my daughter. I woke up screaming.

"No!" "What's going on?" Harry shoots up and jumps out of bed. I was panting, my eyes wide and full of fear.

"Babe what happened?" "Dream- Natalie-Some guy- Oh Harry!" I say sobbing. "Shhh calm down. Tell me what happened." he says cradling me. "There was a storm... and everything was getting destroyed. lightning flashed and a man had Natalie! He looked like Sean but he had brown hair. Such an evil glint in his eyes and Harry I'm so scared..."

"It'll be okay, I won't let anyone touch you or Natalie. I promise."

I cuddle into his chest sobbing.

"Lets get back to sleep, alright?"

I nod. He starts to put me down. "No. Cuddle with me?" I whimper.

He chuckles and lays down with me in his arms. He starts to sing, calming my nerves and lulling me to sleep.-------

This time my dreams were peaceful.

I was in a flower filled meadow, the sun shining and dancing in a circle with Harry, and Natalie. We were playing ring around the Rosie. She was older. We were happy. "Wing awound da wosie, pocket full of posie ashes ashes we all fall down." Natalie sings. I giggled with Harry as he cradled us in his arms. So comforting, and full of warmth. I closed my eyes and smiled.


Then I woke up. The sun shining, birds chirping, everything at peace. I tried getting up but I was wrapped in a warm embrace. Harry's iron grip around my waist. I spoke quietly to him, "Baby? Wake up. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Pancakes..." Good lord his morning voice is so... sexy... I walk down stairs and start cooking pancakes.

I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist again, with no shirt. "Morning..." He mumbled.

"Good morning Harry. I'm sorry I woke you up last night." "Don't be, you had a bad dream I-" "Not a dream, the future." "what?"

"That's my ability. I can tell the future through my dreams. We need to keep that from happening, she can't ever leave our sight." I say walking up to get her out of bed.

"Alright we will do that."

I walk into her room to see the window open and the bed... empty.


Hello my French fries! that's the name I came up with ☺. Hope you liked "The Demon Within" I'm going to make a sequel soon. But only if you...




So do that stuff for the sequel! bye!

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