Good days :)

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Katie's POV

I woke up in Harry's bed. Memories from yesterday came flooding back to me. I got so, so lucky that Harry and them showed up. I rolled over to side and saw a mop of brown curls. They're so fluffy when they're messed up. I smiled as I attempted to get out of the bed. There was an iron grip around my waist. So I gave up, layed down and fell back asleep.

The next time I woke up I was in the bed alone, and I smelled.... pancakes?
I got out of bed, brushed my hair, and my teeth and walked down stairs. Harry was in his pajama pants with no shirt. And I must say his torso was amazing.

"Mornin." I say.

"Good morning babe. Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah. You?"


I smiled. "Need some help?"


Harry worked on the pancakes while I made sausage and bacon.

Shannon immediately ran down the stairs when she smelled it. "I smell food what are we having?"



After we ate we want back to the living room.

"Thank you guys so much. For yesterday."

"No thanks necessary, you were in serious danger. You needed us, and we'll always be here for you." Harry says.

"In good times, in bad times. Bad days and good days. No matter what we will be here." Shannon says smiling.

I start to tear up. "I've got the best people in my life!"

Shannon's POV

I've got an idea! "Hey Katie?"

"Yeah?" "How about we go to the mall today, we can spend all day there!"

"Can we really!?"

"Yeah let's do it!"

"Yayyy!!!!" we say together.

"I'll go with you just in case Sean shows up." Harry said.

"Harry I'm sure i'll be fine." Katie says.

*************later at the mall****************

"Ooo! what about this one?" I ask.

"Oh my gosh yes, Liam will love that!" Katie says.

Earlier I got a text from Liam asking me on a date. I excepted of course.

What I got was I neon green top the has flowing sleeves and a ribbon around the waist.

I got some super skinny jeans to go with it.

"I can't believe this is happening..." I breathe.

Katie's POV

If Shannon was to be Liam's mate I would have to explain things to her. Right now she thinks that Harry is the only vampire among them. She can't think that, "Shannon?"

"What's up?"

"I need to tell you something."

"Go ahead."

I took a deep breath and started to explain. "Harry isn't the only vampire, they're all vamps so if you are to date Liam you would be his mate. Which means you'd also have a werewolf mate. I just want you to be prepared for that."

"Don't worry, if some mangy wolf tries to kidnap me i'll kick em in the behind."

After we shopping for a couple hours we headed to our favorite store, Barnes 'n' Nobles!

"Shannon look! They've got the new Percy Jackson book!"

"They do?!"

"Sh!" The librarian had to shush us three times because we were so excited.

We purchased 2 copies of the book, and went to the food court. We got Chic Fil A and sat down to eat.

"So... has he turned you yet?" Shannon asks. "No, not yet, I have a feeling it will happen soon though." I say. "Well I'll do it when you do. Do you think it'll hurt?" she seems worried. "Well teeth biting your neck. that has got to hurt a little right?"

She nods and looks at her phone.



"My date with Liam I'm gonna be late if we don't leave now!"

"Okay lets go, I've got a date with Harry tonight too!"

**************later on the date**************

"Harry where are we going?" I whine.

He blindfolded me so I couldn't see the location of our date.

"You'll see, we're almost there I promise." when we got out of the car he walked over some grass. I know because I could hear the crunch beneath my feet.

"Harry I-"

"Who says I'm Harry?" I hear a familiar voice say. No, it can't be! The blind fold is removed by none other than Sean.


I is so evil!

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