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* I walked to the window and shoved the curtains aside, I'm in the middle of no where. "Harry where are we...?" I growl. "Er... London?" LONDON. that 300 miles away from University...*

"WHY AM I IN LONDON, HARRY!?" I yelled. "I- erm, LOUIS EXPLAIN!" Harry says speeding off. "Right, you see we are all vampires..." 'that explains the red eyes I saw.' "and vampires have mates, and you just so happened to be Harry's mate. But we knew if we just said 'come with us your destiny is to marry this guy' you wouldn't have come." 'you got that right.' I take a deep breath, restraining my need to claw their faces off. "You're dang right I wouldn't have come!! I don't wanna get bitten by a freaking vampire! according to the stories I've read it's extremely painful!" I yell.

"We won't bite you until Harry decides if you're really his mate or not. But he'll be the one to change you." Liam explains. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa WHOA! Who said I wanted to be turned into a vampire!? Do I even have a say in this!?" "Of course! Before he turns you he'll ask if you're ok with it." "WELL IM NOT! TAKE ME BACK TO UNIVERSITY RIGHT NOW!" these guys were getting on my nerves. I can't miss anything! I need all the school I can get! "But Katie..." I turned around to see Harry in the doorway. "I thought you would be ok with this... I thought you liked me." "well you should've asked instead OF KIDNAPPING ME! TAKE. ME. BACK." I yelled. Harry just stared at me, looking hurt.

"Alright. I'll take you back. On one condition." I sighed. "what?" he smirked. "you have to kiss me." I felt my cheeks go red as a tomato. "W-what?" "You heard me. I need to find out if you're my true mate or not." I looked around at all the guys in the room. I sighed. "get out." Harry told them. 'Must be the leader of the pack.' "I'm waiting." he's got the biggest smirk in history. I walked over to him and hesitantly brushed my lips against his. I then pecked his lips and jumped away. He gave me the 'You've got to be kidding me look.' "what was that?" "II've never don't this before! I'm a nerd, this would be my first kiss. I-I'm a little nervous." His look softened. "Alright, let me show you..."

He pushed his lips against mine in a gentle, sweet kiss. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. Then I pulled away. "well that settles it. You're the one!" he smiles. I try to talk, but I can't. "Ok let's go back to campus." I nodded. 'wow...'


Ok how was that? I'm not very good at writing mushy gushy stuff, so I just wanted some feedback.

Can you guys give me some ideas for the next chapter? I need some and ill give you a shoutout! not that I'm that famous but you know. ok bye bye!

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