Chapter Twenty: The Worthy Boy

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chapter twenty word count: 3793 words

Niall takes his t-shirt out of my hand, being careful not to grab onto the section splattered with blood.

"You don't gotta do that. It's gross. I'll do it." I was planning to wash it for him. I've got to throw in the soiled rags and towels too, so it's really not that big of a deal. He's tired, and Grayson's been fussy all day, so I know Niall just wants to get the small child to bed as soon as possible.

"You put G to bed, I'll put this in with the towels, then check on the boys. It's okay, Ni. Promise." I tell him gently, softly pulling his shirt back into my hands as his face falls into an apprehensive smile.

"Alright." Niall mentions softly before pressing a short kiss to my forehead, then picking up Grayson and walking out of my room and into Grayson's makeshift nursery. It's a bit surreal having a nursery in my house. I moved my office downstairs to make room for a nursery for Grayson just next door to my room. It's not completely done yet. So far, it has a crib, a changing table, and a dresser in it, and there's a rocking chair still in the box in the corner of the room ready to be assembled by Niall sometime tomorrow. It's coming together, and looking more and more precious by the second.

It doesn't take very long to press some stain remover into Niall's shirt and begin soaking it in the bathroom sink closest to the laundry room. Sadly, I'm not sure if the tee can be saved. After all, the blood has been sitting on it for over six hours now.

I check on Ollie and Elliot next. It's been a rough day for them, so I can only hope they've found a way to get some rest. I know Niall's still got to be slightly mad at them. Leaving London to come to LA for the weekend was beyond stupid, something both boys now know is true. Ollie is still adjusting to his treatments. They make him nauseas and sometimes cause dizziness and pain. His blood is cleaned manually by a machine every other day, and even though he still can get his treatments here, it was less than smart to leave home before he was settled into a routine.

Elliot had called us in a panic after Ollie hadn't responded well to his first treatment in LA. Of course, Niall went to get both the boys from Elliot's California apartment, much to his distaste. Niall's mother had just left and it was the first time in over a month we'd be able to spend time together, just the two of us. We were going to go out to dinner or watch a movie, something we hadn't been able to do for quite some time, but Ollie is more important. We didn't even know they came to LA in the first place, and upon further investigation, Ollie's mother was also unaware.

Ollie vomited in my downstairs bathroom for about an hour straight after arriving, leaning up against Niall in the floor when the need to empty his stomach wasn't urgent. Nausea is normal, after all, but I think Niall and I knew this couldn't be normal. The second Ollie coughed while laying against Niall's shoulder and a slew of blood splattered across Niall's collarbone, we quickly decided Ollie needed to go back to the doctor.

Luckily, Ollie is fine. His doctors assured us all that while Ollie's reaction was extreme, it wasn't necessarily uncommon, and he'd eventually get used to his treatments. The blood he'd coughed up all over my bathroom had simply been from sores in his lungs. Luckily, they were easy to treat and the bleeding was stopped pretty quickly. Ollie only had to stay at the hospital for a few hours, and then we got to bring him home and settle him into my guest room.

Niall didn't say it out loud, but I know he's not incredibly thrilled that Ollie and Elliot will be staying at my house for at least a few days until Ollie is well enough to fly back home. I don't think it's that Niall minds them being here, it seems like he may just think I've gotten sick of Ollie being around. The truth is, though, Ollie is Niall's little brother. Niall loves spending time with him and I'm perfectly fine with him being around frequently. What can I say? I think the outspoken teen has grown on me.

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