Chapter Five: The Mature Boy

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(A/N: Sorry this update took so long! I've had so much schoolwork to do it took me forever to get to it! Updates should come much sooner now. Feel free to leave me and comment telling me what you think about the chapter; I would love it <3 )

-Demi's Point of View-

I'm not really sure what time we ended up falling asleep. It seemed as if no matter how long we spoke, we could never run out of time. Niall talked, and by that I mean he talked. I've never been so relieved to hear his long, run-on sentences in my life. It's like his little charismatic charm returned to him in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. Nothing we spoke of really had any substance, but our idle chat was still one of the most enjoyable moments of my time in London so far. Niall ended up falling asleep before me, his bare feet sprawled out from the chair he was sitting in and his chin pressed to his sweater covered chest. My neck hurt just looking at the awkward angle his head seemed to be positioned at. I honestly don't remember falling asleep, but I'm sure it was quite some time after Niall drifted into his own dreamland.

This morning I woke up to a faint jingle coming from the game Grayson was playing on Niall's iPad mini and the sound of the shower running in the hospital bathroom. Words cannot describe how relieved I am to see him conscious again. He's still attached to endless cords and wires, but at least he's fully awake now.

"You hungry?" I turn my head to see Niall walking out of the bathroom, hair soaking wet as he pushes it off his forehead. I shake my head slightly, still glancing at the quiet toddler. I'm not really sure why I've lost my appetite. Niall looks at me with a small smile before placing the towel in his hand over the back of a chair in the corner of the room.

"Did you say good morning to Demi, G?" I smile at the simple gesture as Grayson glances away from the tablet to me, giving me a little grin complete with dimples and freckles.

"Good Mor-ming." My heart simply melts every time Grayson musters out another word incorrectly. His little hands seem so small compared to the tablet in his hands and his sweet rosy cheeks look inevitably chubby yet again. He's simply the cutest little thing, and I'm pretty sure Niall knows just as much.

It seems I've actually woken up late, the clock reading ten thirty in the morning when I finally check my phone. Niall seems happy today, just kind of light I suppose. There no longer seems to be a hard feeling to his features, and his eyes seem incredibly brighter. He's slightly limping, favoring his right leg. I'm not for sure why it appears he places all of his weight on one leg as he moves about the room, pulling a pair of plain black basketball shorts from a duffle bag that seems to have appeared out of thin air.

"I'll be right back." He says softly as he slips back into the bathroom. Grayson looks up just as Niall shuts the bathroom door and pushes the tablet to me, the screen black. I'm confused as to what he wants until I realize the battery has died and Grayson wants me to fix it. I simply place the tablet in Niall's open duffel and grab two of Grayson's plush dinosaurs from the foot of the bed. It looks like someone must have brought Niall some clothes for him and Grayson and a few toys for the small child as well.

"Want me to play dinosaurs?" Grayson's eyes simply shine at my question and he nods at me with the biggest smile. He lifts the larger of the two toys, handing it to me, and claims the other for himself. Grayson quickly points out that he's letting me use his favorite toy, and I should feel very special because of it. It surprises me how Grayson can't manage to say 'morning' correctly, but he can successfully tell me that I'm holding an ankylosaurus named Leo.

"They not really blue. Only Leo blue." He mentions just as the bathroom door clicks and is pulled open, revealing Niall yet again. I suppose I'm not truly prepared for what I see, Niall's knee completed covered an abundance of metal and fabric. I've never seen anything quite like it. The knee brace is incredibly bulky and covers from his mid-calf to above the bottom of his shorts, covered in little hinges, straps, and latches. I don't mean to stare, but it's obvious he realizes where I'm looking.

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