Chapter Fourteen: The Weary Boy

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Chapter Fourteen word count: 4478 

(a/n: let me know what you think about this chapter please !!! I'm going to keep up the previous notice for another week or two if you want to post any more suggestions/critiques after reading this chapter !!)

Elliot Bane is one of the sweetest kids I've ever met. I know Niall said the reason he doesn't like Elliot is because of how his career may affect Ollie, but Elliot's personality is far stronger than any doubt his career would ever place on their relationship. Of course that's just my opinion.

Ollie fell asleep not too long ago doing some type of work on his computer, I'm not really sure what, and what Elliot did in response simply made my heart swell. He gently slid Ollie's hands off the cold metal of his laptop and into the bed, closing the machine quietly and placing it on the tray next to his hospital bed. He then reached for Ollie's glasses (which he had personally picked up per Ollie's request),  removing the rims gently as not to disturb him. Afterwards, Elliot wiped a few pieces of hair that had been misplaced by removing the glasses out of Ollie's eyes with a gentle smile, and then leant back in his own seat like it never happened. It's not hard to see with how comfortable they are around each other that they've been together for a while now: weeks, perhaps even months.

Ollie shifts a bit after that, yawning and mumbling something nearly indecipherable. I look up at him to find Elliot staring at me with a lost expression, obviously just as puzzled as I am about what just came out of Ollie's mouth.

"Babe." Ollie mumbles somewhat-coherently after another yawn, slowly reaching out for Elliot's hand. It doesn't take Elliot long to figure out that Ollie's trying to get him to lay back down in the bed that really only fits one person. He doesn't even complain when he walks around to the other side of the bed, sliding in behind Ollie and allowing him to grab both of Elliot's hands in his. It's a sweet sight, Ollie sleeping soundly as Elliot's thumbs rub circles around his pale and shaky hands.

Ollie hasn't been doing too well for the past few hours. He hasn't done much but sleep, and when he's awake he's hardly alert. I'm not sure if it's his actual illness or the countless medications they've been giving him to help restart his kidneys and lessen the pain, but his reactions are slow and sometimes he doesn't seem to catch what we've said to him at all. In addition to all of that, he still hasn't regained much of his color, but the doctors have reassured us that, despite how bad this all must seem, his condition is improving.

Niall's been gone for a few minutes. His mother had offered to come get Grayson from the hospital; there isn't much here to entertain him after all. I can't help but wonder if Niall's told his mother anything about my being here. Then again, what would he say? We're not really friends, we're not really in a relationship or anything like that, and we kiss every once in awhile. I'm not really sure what you'd call that.

Niall comes back pretty quickly though, sadly without the adorable toddler. I miss his little mumbles and it's only been fifteen minutes. Nonetheless Niall walks into the room with a pleasant look on his face, giving me a gentle smile before spotting Ollie and Elliot. He makes uncomfortable eye contact with Elliot for at least five seconds before Elliot looks away, down at where his and Ollie's hands are connected. The poor kid. It almost makes me want to scold Niall even though I know he means well. It's only fair to make the kid squirm a bit. I know Niall would never outright do anything to make him uncomfortable. Niall looks away from the pair and back to me, seemingly forgetting about them instantly as a tiny smile rises in his cheeks.

"Hi." He mentions quietly, leaning down and pressing a quick kiss to my lips. It's brief and sweet and everything it needs to be, leaving me just a bit shocked as he lifts back up into a standing position.

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