Chapter Two: The Lonely Boy

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{A/N: Sorry it took so long! The next update should come a wholeeeeee lot faster! Hope you like it! And you knowww you could leave me a comment about it if you wanted to make me smileeeeee. Also, comments make me want to write more, gives me a little motivation! -S :) x }

Maybe it's the way the stagehands are rushing around, or maybe it's just the last show jitters, but I can definitely tell something is off as I step into the arena the next day. The relaxed crew that I saw yesterday is seemingly nonexistent as I look at them yelling and running throughout backstage, tripping over wires with sneakers squeaking over the smooth floor. The boys have been tucked away in a private dressing room for reasons unknown to me, and I am stuck wandering awkwardly stage-side all by myself.

The first—of many—odd things I notice about this show is sound check, which consisted of a few crew members and the instrumental band on stage, tapping annoyingly at the microphones and occasionally saying a few test sentences. I know for a fact that the boys are here, so why are the crew doing something formally done by the boys? The next thing I notice is that the opening act never goes on. I wait, and wait, but the show never starts. Thirty minutes after One Direction was set to be on stage, I catch a glimpse of Liam, nervous and sweaty as he talks to the tour coordinator. She looks extremely annoyed as Liam just shakes his head 'no' to everything she asks him.

I know I probably shouldn't follow him back to where the boys are, but I can't help my curiosity, and since no one is telling me anything, why not? I watch as Liam walks through the maze of hallways and enters a door not far from the main dressing room they were in yesterday. I walk quietly across the floor, my high heels not making it very easy to be stealthy, but quiet enough not to draw attention to myself.

Before I can even think about stopping myself, I'm knocking on the door, waiting impatiently for answers that I won't get anyways. Liam opens the door again, slipping out next to me and going down the hall before Harry comes to the door, smiling warily at me. His smile lasts only seconds before a hear a few choked sobs and shuddered breaths coming from the dressing room, Harry and I both peering behind him slightly. The second he sees notices me trying to look into the room, he stands directly in my line of sight, blocking my view of the surprisingly clean dressing room.

"What's going on?" I ask, trying to covertly peer around Harry's large build.

"Nothing, just getting ready for the show." He tells me casually, but with a nervous look in his eyes, glancing from the door to me. I move quickly to the left, getting in a small glance of the room, instantly pushing Harry out of the way and forcing myself past the doorway once I catch a glimpse of what's inside. Niall is sitting on the couch, shaking with tears in his eyes. Louis is kneeling on the floor next to him, rubbing his back gently and offering him something to drink.

Niall's having a panic attack.

Niall continues to shake from the sobs racking his body, while the boys just watch. Don't they know anything? I try to think of everything I know to help Niall, but the pleading glances in his eyes leave me distracted, pulling me in and breaking my heart.

When having a panic attack, you either want no one to touch you, or you crave physical contact. The second I actually notice Louis softly touching Niall's back, talking to him in a calm and gentle voice, I know what to do. Since he's not pushing Louis' hand away, he must be the type of person that just wants to be held.

I walk towards Niall softly, wary of how sensitive he may be, and sit down next to him on the small couch. As soon as his pain-ridden eyes meet mine, I wrap my arms around his torso, letting his head fall to my shoulder. I let my fingers tangle in his soft, wavy hair, still left in it's natural state from not having been styled up yet. His sobs start to turn into a soft cry and his shaking is reduced to slight shuddering with every breath. I know he's started to calm down, but for some reason I just can't let go of him, the soft whimpering coming from him making me want to cuddle him forever and keep him from harm.

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