Chapter Forty-One: The Enduring Boy

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Chapter Forty-One word count: 8030 words

(A/N: please comment on this chapter about it or the story or something??? idk??? if you would like to see this story continued. If no one comments on the story l may consider discontinuing it. I do enjoy writing, but it is hard to continue to put so much work into something that no one else seem's to care about. )

Ollie's being a bit difficult. I hate to admit it, but he is. We're all just trying our best to be on his side, to make sure he's happy and comfortable. Nothing Niall, Elliot, or I do seems to be the right thing, though. Ollie's snapping at us left and right. He doesn't want help, but he can't do much by himself at this point. I know he's just frustrated. He's just an eighteen-year-old boy. I can see how having to have someone else care for you all of the time could be taxing. We're just trying to help, though. I wish we could make him see that.

I don't really mean to push his buttons any more than I have to. He's hasn't eaten anything all day, though, and with Elliot gone to his apartment to grab some more clothes and other things he needs for the night, I'm left to deal with a very, very cranky teenager.

"Are you hungry?" Is what I decide to start with, Ollie laying on the couch, not really paying attention to the movie on the TV, just on his phone.

"No." Is all Ollie says. He doesn't even look up at me. I'm trying so, so hard not to get frustrated at him. I'm trying to get where he's coming from.

"You sure? You haven't eaten anything today. I'm sure me and Ni can make you something. Or go get something for you." I say, and Ollie just shakes his head.

"Not hungry." He replies quietly. I'm not sure where Ollie's vocabulary went considering what he's saying now reminds me of how my three-year-old converses.

"You have to eat something." I say then, done with his attitude at this point. His health is important. If he's not going to take care of himself, someone else has to.

"No, I don't." Ollie says, still not looking at me.

"Why are you being such an ass? You know we're all just trying to help." I say, making it perfectly clear that the way he's being isn't acceptable. Niall and I have done so much for him. Elliot has done so much for him. The least he can do is his own part in staying healthy, for our sake if not for his own.

"That's not your job. I can take care of myself. So maybe instead of calling me an ass you should stop being an uptight bitch and worry about yourself for once. I'm fucking sick of you checking on me every fucking second. Can't you just let me be alone for once?" Ollie snaps at me. I don't even reply to him. I can't. I turn around and walk away, straight up the stairs. I know better than to go into the master, I really do, so I'm not really sure why I end up there anyways. I guess in the moment I just don't really think about Niall seeing me upset. He's in the shower when I sit on the bed and have a good cry.

I'm not really sure why I'm even crying in the first place. Maybe it's because Ollie's being a proper dickhead or maybe it's just because I'm so fucking frustrated, and I've always cried when I'm frustrated. That's definitely one of my most annoying qualities.

I'm just so, so frustrated with Ollie. Yeah, he's been through shit, but he also isn't acting like himself right now. Ollie is a funny, witty kid with a big heart and big plans for the future. Right now he's lying on my couch not giving two shits about his health. I just hope Ollie sorts his sour mood out before Elliot gets back. Elliot's baby brother's funeral was today, for God's sake. If anyone doesn't deserve asshole Ollie, it's Elliot. I know Ollie's not dumb and wouldn't ever intentionally hurt Elliot, but I don't think Ollie realizes that when he doesn't take care of himself it puts stress on the people that love him. 

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