Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Giving Boy

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Chapter Twenty-Eight word count: 10,503 words (sorry !!)

(a/n: I'm not really a huge fan of this chapter, it's really just a bunch of information thrown at you, so it's not really all that great but i think one of the best wack chapters is about to written as either the next chapter or the one after so be ready for that :) !!! )


It's a combination of both Niall and I's phones that wakes me up. I think his rings first, I'm not quite sure, but the moment his turns off from ringing for too long, mine begins to sound, and my eyes blink open, disoriented. I reach blindly for my phone and grab it successfully, internally cursing at whoever it is that felt the need to wake up the sleeping man next to me, to have him release his tight grip on my hip as he blinks awake as well. Jet-lag is killing us.

Sadly, I'm not quick enough and the call ends before I can answer it. I'm so relieved that the loud noise has stopped, though, as it startled me quite a bit. Niall's phone starts up quickly, however, and I clearly hear his loud, dramatic moan.

"Fuck me!" He groans out, reaching out for his phone just like I did with mine moments before. He moves quicker than I did, though, and picks up before it goes to voicemail.

"What?" Niall asks, annoyed and in the dark, his hand going up to sleepily rub over his face. I glance over at him curiously, wondering who would be calling at this time, but not quite having the willpower to look at my incredibly bright phone screen.

"The fuck?" Niall mutters quietly to himself, and I watch as he pulls his phone away from his ear, squinting tightly at the light flashing in his face, but waiting for his eyes to adjust. He looks amazed, and brings his phone back to his ear instantly.

"S'it really you?" Niall asks, and a moment later he's crying a bit. I'm surprised by the tears, and instantly lean over to turn on the bedside table lamp. Niall's sitting up now, the phone clutched tightly in his hand, the other pressed over his eyes as just a few tears appear in his eyes.

"I'm leaving now, alright? I'll be there soon. I love you so fucking much, kid." I grab at Niall's arm gently.

"Who is, it Ni?" I'm so confused; maybe it's because I'm mostly asleep and I hate seeing Niall cry.

"Hear for yourself." He mumbles, sniffling a bit and handing me his phone. I don't look at the caller's name, just bring the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I ask gently, my voice still not very awake.

"He's got you proper hooked now hasn't he? My God, you're only in a coma for a month and you miss everything." The voice is rough, a harshness to it that I don't recognize, and the words come out slowly with quite a bit of hesitation before each word. Beside those factors, the sarcastic nature and charmingly posh accent seem to prove it's Ollie.

"You were in a coma? I didn't notice." I tell him, trying simply to not lose myself in joy. It's just so unexpected. Last I heard, Ollie had taken a turn for the worse, yet here he is calling us in the middle of the night, sounding extremely ill but completely conscious. If he's awake, that means his body is healing. They've decided he's well enough to be brought out of it, that he's stable and his fever is gone. It's so amazing, unexpected. It's nearly impossible, yet here he is, already cracking jokes.

"That's proper mean, Miss Lovato. Or did I miss the wedding too, Mrs. Horan?" I can't even respond. His words are so him, so annoying and amusing in the best possible way. He's always fond of a bit of banter.

"You up for some visitors? Niall's already got his shoes on." I laugh out, watching Niall as he stumbles around the room, trying to find his other shoe, as one's already in his hand. He's still mostly asleep, and it's a bit funny to watch him fumble about the room.

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