Chapter Three: The Scarred Boy

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Chapter Three word count: 3,334

Total word count so far: 10,125

-Demi's Point of View-

"Niall?" I knock on the door, a pale green blanket being gripped tightly in my hand.

"Niall, Grayson left his blanket with me." I knock incessantly, until I've come to the conclusion that there is no possible way that he couldn't have heard me. I'll just leave it near Niall's things so he doesn't forget it. The blanket is obviously important to the little boy and I'm sure it wouldn't be good if they left it at the venue.

I turn the doorknob quickly and peek into the room before slipping inside and trying to find Grayson's little backpack. A small humming noise makes me turn my head to the back of the room, instantly smiling at the sight. Niall is asleep on the couch in the back of the room, his feet hanging over the armrest from being too tall for the small couch. Grayson is on his chest gripping at Niall's arm as they both sleep soundly, obviously not phased by my earlier knocking. The pacifier in Grayson's mouth shifts slightly with his every breath, but is otherwise forgotten by the toddler.

I smile softly at how close they are, how Grayson sleeps so comfortably against Niall. I gently place Grayson's blanket near Niall's wallet and car keys which are placed on a round, wood coffee table in the center of the room. I know that he'll see it there considering he can't leave without his car keys. As I step away from the table I accidentally trip over a water bottle, obviously forgotten in the floor, and it makes a horrible crunching noise.

Niall instantly shifts and his eyes blink open as I mutter a few curses under my breath. He rubs his hand over his face and blinks sleepily before looking around for the source of the noise. When he sees me, he gives me a slight smile and starts to shift into an upwards position whilst still keeping his arms around Grayson, cradling the child as he moves.

"I was just um. Grayson left his blanket with-" I cut my sentence short, not wanting to embarrass myself any further as Niall smiles at me. He looks like he's about to laugh at me, but I know he won't. I haven't heard him laugh since we were nineteen.

Niall shifts slightly to his left and lays Grayson on the couch, being careful not to startle the baby. He looks around for a moment before spotting what he's looking for, a long pillow near the end of the couch on the floor. I watch closely as Niall picks it up, placing it on the open side of the couch so Grayson can't roll off in his sleep and injure himself. Niall gets up and it takes all of the will power I can muster up not to blush.

The red sweatpants on his lower half are hanging far lower than his mother would approve of and the strings are hanging loose, as if he forgot to tie them. Niall's hair is tossed in a way that suggests he's been sleeping for hours, which he hasn't, and his bare chest is far more muscular than I remember. After all, the last time I saw Niall shirtless, he was nineteen. I suppose he's used those five years to buff up. His previously scrawny build is nearly forgotten by me as I watch the muscles in Niall's back ripple when he bends to pick up his cell phone off the table. I can't help but stare. He's attractive; sue me.

He blushes a bit when he notices how low his sweatpants are actually hanging and quickly pulls them up to a more modest level on his hips, tying them instantly. I know he must have caught the slightly disappointed look in my eyes no matter how hard I tried to hide it. The quick shift of his sweats bring something entirely new to my attention: black ink scrawled on his right hip, far too low to be seen with clothes on.

"Nice." I tell him, motioning towards his hip with my head. I didn't really catch what the tattoo was but it was definitely there. I'm tempted to make fun of how tiny it is. It's hilarious that the only tattoo Niall's managed to get is so small. I expected his first tattoo to be large and extravagant. It randomly hits me that Niall can't possibly be wearing underwear, which makes me giggle under my breath for no apparent reason.

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