Paint The Picture

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I decided to update Extraordinary Love again then My Everything

I need to clear some things so no one is confused


2 days later

Raquel Pov

" I feel nothing, I only feel that when I'm depressed "

" Well we're back in Georgia and we had a all white funeral for my second miscarriage, I remember the doctors putting my to sleep and they told me they cut my stomach open to get the baby out and they tried to save it but it was too late, they stitched me back up and now I have a white patch on my stomach "

" The funny things is, I've been through so much shit that I can't write a damn list about it, I'll probably miss something, now ain't that a bitch "

" Oh guess what else, Shawny wants to try again thanks to our kids bragging about how much they want another sibling "

" I'm not even sure if I'm ready to try again cause what if I have a miscarriage number fucking three "

" We can all Paint The Picture of my depression, paint something fucked up cause' that's all I go through, fucked up situations "

" There, I think I made my point "

DeShawn Pov

" It's good to be back in Georgia, everybody good except wifey, it's fucked up how bad shit keep happening but it's incredible how she makes it through all of it, that's why I love her, she's strong as fuck "

" I hate seeing her like this, depressed and we all know how she gets when she gets depressed, that why I'm scared to leave her alone "

" All she do is lay in the bed all day and cry herself to sleep, she's been doin' that since we got back "

" Me well I'm just smokin' blunts alone takin' my stress away tryin' not to cry, somebody gotta' stay strong in this big ass house "

" To make everything worse our kids not even here, we can't have them in a depression vibe then they'll feed off it "


DeShawn walked towards their closed bedroom door and tried to open them but they were locked and Raquel was inside

" Raq open these doors " DeShawn said.


" Raquel baby come on now, talk to me " DeShawn said.


" Don't make me bust em' open " DeShawn said.


" She asked for it "

DeShawn stepped back and kicked the doors open and no one was in sight but the bed wasn't made

" Where the hell she at, Ion' hear the shower runnin' "

DeShawn walked towards their walk in closet and Raquel was sitting on the floor with her hands shaking and she held her neck thst was sore

In came the tears

" Cryin' doesn't help you " DeShawn said getting on the floor behind her and pulled his wife in between his legs with her back pressing against his chest.

" DeShawn this is too much, I can't take it anymore, if this shit doesn't stop then...then...oh god " Raquel said breaking down and he embraced her in a hug.

DeShawn had a feeling what his wife was gonna' say after then and the thought of it well...a tear shed from his eye

This definitely has to stop

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