Extraordinary Love

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Try not to cry during this chapter

Next chapter is the last chapter but it's nothing but a pov chapter and I had to make this chapter long cause we ending with a bang 😜

Don't play the youtube video until you're told in the chapter and DeShawn and Raquel wedding reception at the top

That's all


November 11th - sunset time

Raquel and DeShawn held hands and walked in their wedding reception and everybody stood up and clapped

Even everybody kids were there to applaud Mr. and Mrs. Jackson including their very own kids

Stacey Barthe was on the stage ready to sing and she winked at Raquel and Raquel winked back

They're just great associates

" You happy " DeShawn asked his wife kissing her cheek.

" Happy as I ever been " Raquel said.

DeShawn and Raquel sat down in king and queen chairs and RJ and Deja stood up and the DJ handed them microphones

Everybody else sat down

RJ and Deja was standing in the middle of the rooftop

RJ held the microphone up to his lips

" Testing testing 1 2 1 2 " RJ said tapping the microphone and everybody laughed.

" I'm kidding, Raquel I can't belive you and DeShawn got married for the second time, God knows you'll deserve each other and the world, especially for everything you'll been through, I hope you'll make it to you'll elderly years together, congratulations " RJ said and everybody clapped.

" Ok settle down everyone, my turn, Raquel, DeShawn, you two drive us all crazy but I think it's amazing you'll stuck with each other through it all, you'll never really gave up on each other, you'll loved each other no matter what and God blessed you'll with beautiful kids, 5 at that, Raquel I can't believe you put me on the spot to do this " Deja said and everybody face dropped except for Raquel's who was smiling bright.

" Everybody Raquel just found out she is pregnant again the other day, congratulations " Deja said and everybody stood up and went crazy.

DeShawn leaned over and whispered in his wife ear

" Did this happen that night I killed Francesca and her men " DeShawn asked?

" Yes, I was waiting until now to tell you and this the last one Shawny, after this one I'm getting my tubes tied " Raquel said.

" That's ok, I love you and thank you " DeShawn said.

" You welcome Shawny " Raquel said and they gave each other a peck on the lips.

Davion and Imani took the microphones next and Deja and RJ sat down

" Well me and Raquel never got along when we was kids but I have to admit when we argued it be so much fun, I always had the better punch lines but anyways Raquel you are one amazing woman and DeShawn Jackson is the only man in this world that deserves you, congrats you'll, make it to
elderly " Davion said.

Everybody clapped

" Well DeShawn I can't believe after those 7 years you and Raquel still loved each other, I remember when you'll used to argue all the time in the hallway, I was like oh' my God why don't they just kiss already, they know they love each other to death, you'll was immature for love at the time so I guess it didn't matter but you'll got it together and look what happened, you'll built something great, Extraordinary Love, don't let nobody ever get in the way of you'll love of take it away from you'll, congratulations and I hope this last baby is a boy and he's gonna' be a football player just like how his dad was in highschool and his freshman year in college, too bad you quit DeShawn because you could've went pro but you didn't quit on Raquel, thank you for that, I love you'll " Imani said and everybody clapped again.

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