The new member of the family

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Sans encountered Frisk at the judgement hall, they begin their fight. During the fight Frisk shows mercy and approach's Sans. He steps back afraid that Frisk would attack him off guard. Frisk smiles and hugs Sans, making him blush a dark blue. He calls off the fight ,and explains that he saw Frisk kill Papyrus and that he never wanted to hurt her. Frisk nodded understanding what he chose to do and quickly they forgave each other becoming friends after awhile of awkwardness. Sans was always happy around Frisk and she was also the same around him.

Frisk woke up to her annoying alarm clock, her head pounding while she sat up. 'I really need to change that alarm clock' Frisk escaped her thoughts feeling a cold chill through her body. She got up and put her clothes on adding one of Sans jackets. She went downstairs and saw Sans about to leave. "Where are you going so early in the morning?" Sans jumped back and looked at her.

"It's the afternoon also to check on Papyrus, he called me for an emergency. Also I need to get stuff for the Christmas party that's tomorrow" He smiled and kissed Frisk on the cheek then left in a rush.

"I slept until the afternoon, that's strange I never sleep that long" Frisk went into the kitchen while her stomach was in pain.

Sans walked down the street, he wasn't really going to check on Papyrus he was going to get a gift for Frisk. The party was tomorrow so he had to get it today, he was going to get her a bracelet that was light purple her favorite color and that had their names carved onto it. The perfect gift for the perfect girl, the love of his life. Suddenly Sans heard a little girl crying, he walked into the ally way to see a little girl laying down and crying her eyes out. Her light red hair was tangled, she had scratches all over her face, she was very thin and her clothes were covered in dirt and mud. 'She looks like she is around five or four years old' Sans jumped back as the little girl got up whipping her eyes so she could see clearly.

"Who are you and what do you want?" She grabbed onto her side in pain. The girl hasn't got any food in days, she was so thin you could see bits of her ribs.

"I heard you crying and got worried" Sans stepped closer to her as she started to tear up again.

"You don't care for me, no body does that's why I'm living on the streets in the ally way!" the girl started to cry again and fell to her knees. Sans felt awful, he went to her side and held onto her.

"I do care and so would my girlfriend Frisk. I could take you home with me where you could eat and warm up." The little girl smiled and nodded, no body wanted to help her in ages. Sans teleported them back to his house.

When Frisk heard Sans teleport back she was shocked to her a little girls voice. Sans explained to Frisk what had happened and it melted her heart that Sans didn't just walk away. They called Papyrus, Toriel, Undyne, Alphys and Mettaton to tell them what happened. They all reacted the same like Frisk did but was still happy about what Sans did.

"Me and Sans were thinking of adopting her. She has no home, name or parents, plus she is five years old so she can't live on her own for much longer." Frisk was happy that everyone agreed and soon they wanted to help out.

"Oh darling I could get her so many adorable dresses!" Mettaton gave a fabulous pose.

"I COULD GET HER A SMALL SPEAR OF HER OWN!" Undyne pulled out one of her spears.

"I could make the sweet child some of my fresh butterscotch pies!" Toriel was already going through her cook book.

"I could h-help her learn about m-monsters" Alphys pulled out a monster book smiling shyly.

"I THE GREAT PAPYRUS SHALL HELP HER LEARN TO MAKE FAMOUS SPAGHETTI!" He pulled out a container full of spaghetti.

~An hour later~

Once everyone had met the girl they left to get gifts. Frisk asked the girl if she wanted to live with them for awhile. Of course she agreed and went into the kitchen to help Frisk make some food, Sans left to get the decorations. He called the jewelry shop and asked for a small change to the bracelet. The rest of the day went smoothly with the little girl, the three of them tried to make up names for the little girl and they went shopping for some Christmas clothes.

The little girl went to bed in Sans old room while Sans went to bed with Frisk in her room. They planned on telling the little girl that they were gonna adopt her tomorrow and to tell her the name they chose. The night went well for Frisk and Sans, suddenly they heard a blood curdling scream! They ran to the girls room and saw a ghost standing at the edge of her bed smiling while the ghosts eyes glowed.

"CHARA GET AWAY FROM HER!" Frisk ran in front of the girl protecting her from Chara. The ghost just started laughing and  floated into the air.

 (There was an error for me, so if there is something saying "@mention a user" sorry I don't know how to get rid of it so ya)

Sans made a Gaster Blaster show up and shot it at the ghost, Chara disappeared and Sans ran over to the two girls. "Hey are you two ok?" Sans held onto the two of them worried.

"Ya were ok ,but who was that?" The girl whipped away the tears that were running down her red cheeks.

"She isn't important but trust us she can't hurt you" Frisk held onto her. The girl wanted to lay with Sans and Frisk so they allowed her. The rest of the night went by smoothly ,but Frisk couldn't help but think of why Chara went after the little girl?


Hey guys thanks so much for waiting patiently for this chapter. I couldn't think of much to write until an hour ago so here is what I had. I will not be posting anything for awhile again sorry, my brothers birthday is tomorrow so I'll be pretty busy. At the bottom is what the little girl looks like and her Christmas dress. Sorry if the picture isn't there for some of you. I did use a base but the coloring and design was mine.

                                                   Bye guys~ Frisk_the_savior

                                                   Bye guys~ Frisk_the_savior

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