Chapter 1 - Valentine's Day

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I yawned as I opened my eyes. Ah yes.. the month of February. This is what I've been waitng for all year long! I've been training all year for this. This is definitely the best morning ever. I jumped off my bed as I went to take a shower. Humming a random tune, I skipped out of the bathroom and opened my closet. I put on my black and red mini dress with red hearts and a pair of black leggings. There is no way I am wearing pink. To me, that color is way too girly. Even if all the girls would be wearing pink for this special occasion, I will not. I grabbed my combat boots and flew downstairs. 

"Hey, sweetie! Goodmorning!" my mom greeted me as she puts a stack of pancakes on the table. My dad looks up from the newspaper he was reading and smiled at me.

"Morning, mom! Morning, dad!" I said, hugging them. 

"Someone's in a good mood." my dad said with a chuckle. 

"I'm just excited!" I exclaimed.

"You'll do great, I know it." my mom said. 

And the rest of our morning was just talking and chatting, my parents giving me advice for today and me getting really excited. I looked at my watched and my eyes widened.

"We gotta go!" I yelled, eating the last piece of my pancakes.

My parents chuckled at my excitement. "Alright, let's go!" my dad said.


"I am very proud of all of you. I know you will all do great! Just remember, we only help the humans fall in love. We don't force them to love. Also, humans cannot see you, so don't do anything to scare them." One of our trainers said. There were about fifty of us who were graduating. We are finally going to be able to go to the human world!

"So now, I am very proud to award you your official bows and arrows!"

I guess you're really confused now, are you? Do you know who Cupid is? Of course you do. You see, I'm his daughter. That's right, I'm the daughter of the God of Love. And yeah, Cupid is actually his last name. There are many creatures like my dad, and all we do is help humans know and experienced what love is. We like call ourselves 'Amorians'. That's why my dad built this school, Amorean High, to train Amorians how to help humans fall in love.

You might be asking why we do this kind of thing as a job. Well, for starters, love keeps us alive. It's like our food, but in a different way. When we achieve our mission in making people fall in love, we make our powers stronger and life here in Eraveth continues.

And today, we're graduating! We will now be allowed to go to the human world. And I am so freaking excited!

"Avery Mae Cupid." my trainer, Ms. Andrews called me to give me my official bow and arrows. I practically skipped towards her.

"I'm proud of you." she said, handing me my bow and my arrows.

"It's all because of you! Thank you for being the best trainer ever." I said, hugging her.

Soon enough, we were lining up to teleport to the human world. My parents hugged me, basically crushing me to death.

"Mom.. Dad.. Can't.. Breathe..." I choked out.

They pulled away and looked at me with proud eyes. "We're so proud of you. We love you Avery."

"I know, I know. I love you too." I said, hugging them.

I stood in line as the count down began. This is it...

"Five.. Four.. "

I stood straight and grabbed my bow and arrows tightly.

"Three.. Two.."

 I am so ready for this.

"One!" Our trainers yelled.

And with that, we teleported to the human world.


Oh great. February. The lamest month ever. I never liked this month, there's always too many earts, too many pink, and too many people making out everywhere. I sighed as I drank the last of my Caramel Latte. Starbucks is full of hearts. Literally, they stuck paper hearts everywhere and it's driving me nuts.

As if that wasn't bad enough, a couple started making out on the table across from me. Yuck, PDA. Seriously?! Just because Valentines' Day is almost near doesn't mean they can kiss wherever and whenever they want. I stood up and went back to the hotel where me and my two talented brothers were staying in. We are in a band and on tour right now and that was something I am really proud of. Once I was in our hotel room, I find my older brother, Connor, smiling like an idiot on the couch.

"Hey, Connor, what happened to your face?" I teased, sitting beside him and poking his cheek.

"He's dreaming about a girl he met! Don't disturb him!" my little brother, Toby, yelled from the kitchen.

I blinked, my right eye twitching.. then I groaned. Not him too!

"What's up with you?" Connor asked.

"I'm just.. I'm just fed up of this month. Everything is full of hearts! Hearts Everywhere! PDA everywhere! And worse of all, people start dressing up like that guy in diapers with the bow and arrow, I am sick of it!" I whined. 

"You mean Cupid?" Toby said, sitting next to me.

"Who?" I asked. 

"You know, the guy in diapers." He laughed.

"What kind of name is Cupid? It sounds stupid. See?! It even rhymes with stupid!" I said, annoyed. Toby started laughing loudly and Connor joined him.

"Maybe in means cute and stupid?" Connor said, still laughing. 

"Oh, so a guy in diapers is cute?" I said and they laughed harder. I don't find this funny. I'm just annoyed by this stupid month. 

"Oh, Riley. You're just sad because you haven't found your perfect valentine yet." Connor said.

"I don't think I ever will." I said.

"Cheer up, bro. C'mon, let's do something fun!" Toby yelled.

"Like what?" I asked, groaning. 

"I dunno, let's go to the park!" He said cheerfully. How are they so happy?! I sighed.





Hey YO! Sup? Yeah.. that was a bad entrance. Anyway, I made a new story! YAY! This is for my very best friend Angelyn. Hehe.. You guys should follow her, her username is harrybear_hazza12 I don't even know if my shoutouts help her, she has way more readers than I do. hehehe.. But she's my very first fan, so I decided to give her this! A new story! This is dedicated to her :D Well, that's that. Hope you like it! Please give me some feedback. Thanks!

Oh, and just a reminder, all the names of creatures and kingdoms are made up. Eraveth is where Avery lives, along with other Amorians.

Edited... Angel is renamed. She is now Avery.





Be My Valentine? - (Riley McDonough)Where stories live. Discover now