Chapter 5 - Weird Dreams

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I stood there, in the middle of an empty ballroom. The light in the room was bright, a sparkling chandelier hanging above my head. I was in a red and white dress, my hair curled to the side. Where am I? And more important, what am I doing here? 

"Hello?" I called out. No one answered. I looked around, failing to find a living thing. Out of the vorner of my eye, I spotted a glowing red. I looked in that direction and saw a red rose on the ground. I picked it up and sniffed it. That's weird. It had no smell.

"Hello there." said a voice, startling me. I turned around and saw a familiar guy standing in front of me.

"Riley.." I said like I've known the guy for years. Wait, why do I know him? When did we meet? It seems that my nody has a mind of its own because I hugged the guy, Riley. 

He hugged me back. "I missed you, Avery." he whispered. How did he know my name?

"I missed you too." Okay, I'm definitely not the one controlling myself.

"I think this belongs to you.." he pulled out one of my arrows. 

"Thank you." I said, taking the arrow. He smiled, stariing at me. 

"Dance with me?" he asked, holding out his hand. I placed the arrow on the floor and took his hand. He put his hands on my waist and my hands wrapped around his neck.

"Uh.. There's no music.." I said awkwardly. He chuckled.

"Do you want me to sing?" he asked.

"Yes, please." I giggled.

"Settle down with me.. Cover me up, Cuddle me in..." he sang Ed Sheeran's song, 'Kiss me', my favorite song. I smiled.

"Lie down with me, and hold me in your arms... " We started gently swaying back and forth.

"And your heart's against my chest, lips pressed to my neck... I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet... And with a feeling I'll forget... I'm in love now...." he smiled, staring straight into my eyes.

"Kiss me like you wanna be loved... You wanna be loved.... You wanna be loved.... This feels like falling in love.... Falling in love.... We're falling in love...." he tucked a piece of my red hair behind my ear. He cupped my cheek and put our foreheads together.

"We're falling in love..." he finished the rest of the song in a whisper. He leaned in, closing his eyes. I closed my eyes, waiting for the moment our lips touch... 

"AVERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING STILL SLEEPING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" A voice yelled, waking me up. I sat up, my eyes wide. I searched for the owner of the voice and rolled my eyes when I saw who it was.

"What the hell, Blake?!" I yelled at my best friend. Blake and I have been best friends since kindergarten. He was like a brother to me.

"What? Your mom told me to wake you up." he chuckled.

"You didn't have to yell at me, you jerk!" I slapped his shoulder playfully.

"Awww... You know you love me." he pouted.

"Yeah, and that's why you're buying me ice cream tomorrow." I stated.

"What? No fair!" he whined like a child. I stuck out my tongue at him.

"Real mature." he said. I rolled my eyes.

"Says the guy who still sleeps with a teddy bear!." I teased.

"Hey! Mr. Cuddles is my childhood best friend!" he protested.

"Ouch, I thought I was your childhood best friend!" I fake cried.

Be My Valentine? - (Riley McDonough)Where stories live. Discover now