Facts About MOI!! (Me dans francais) (oú in other words, me in french) (oú= or it has this little thing on the top of the u but I don't know which one it is so it technically means where if it has nothing on it. I think this is or = oú)
This is bas...
I mean scars aren't necessarily a bad thing, are they?
Scars are pretty awesome in my opinion. Every single scar on my flesh resembles a memory. Either good or bad. Those scars also resemble that I actually survived something. I mean, yeah, I used to cut, like a lot. I used to cut every single day. Don't get me wrong, it felt right at the time. We all had our downfalls. Some of you still didn't experience a downfall yet, but you will sooner or later. I don't have anything against you guys. But we all have that one moment in life where you just want to crawl under a rock, and just die.
I had those feelings, and I still do. I will get better though. I know I will get better, I have to get better. It's just a stage of life. It's like I'm just being tested. Those scars mean I won the battle, but if I was dead right now, it means I lost the battle.
I have nothing against scars. Scars are what define you, and your life. You should appreciate scars. People think scars make them ugly, but no, they're dead wrong. Scars are real beauty. Scars are what make you different from everyone else.
I had a weird way of making myself feel better when I started going downhill. I started going downhill in grade eight. I would say negative things to myself. It made me stronger in a way. Some of you don't have scars on your body, but you have mental scars. Don't worry, those scars are just as beautiful.
When some of you are feeling depressed, please don't cut yourself. Getting started is easy, but stopping is hard. After a while you get addicted to it. Some of you are scared to go to someone, and spill your heart out. Don't worry that is okay. You don't have to talk to someone to feel better. Talk to the wall, or if you have any stuffed animals, or pets, talk to them. You're probably like, "there is no way on earth I'm going to do that. Are you insane?? People will think I'm a lunatic!" Well, that's also okay. If you don't want to sound like a 'lunatic,' just write everything down in a journal. I promise it helps. It really does. Cutting doesn't.
I'm no better, I'm really not. I cut. I thought it was the only solution. But man was I wrong. Cutting doesn't help, it only makes things worse. Believe me, I've been there. I'm still there. I'm not out yet. I stopped cutting completely, but I only got pulled back in again, and again. It's sickening. My online friend, well he used to be my friend, now he is way more than just my friend. He told me to get rid of the blade, I didn't listen. I kept my blade, it's stashed away with the papers from my journal. My mom ripped them out of the book, so I put them all in a bag, and put the blade somewhere in between them. It's just sitting there waiting to be used again, and again, and again. But nope, I ain't giving it that power. That bag is just full of memories, that is why the blade is there. It is just, and always will be a memory. Well, unless I start cutting again. Thank you to StevenEymer for telling me to get rid of the blade. He always stuck by my side, although I can be a handful. He helped me somewhat stop cutting.
He's awesome. He helped out a lot too. Both StevenEymer and Knucklehead01 are great people. They helped me through a lot, and I'm trying to do the same for them.
Once I cut multiple times, and my other cuts weren't healed yet. I actually took a picture of it. My cuts are small though, they don't bleed. Some did, some didn't. Most of them just faded away, but some left scars. Here's the picture below.
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There's another one.
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I used to cut on my left hand. It was always on my left hand.
Anyways the most important thing to remember is that scars are real beauty.