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You know how guys are really comfortable when sleeping in boxers??

Well, let's just say I have my own boxers. They ain't really boxers they are short shorts, not booty shorts, they are just short. I have three, one of them is pink with little baby octopuses, and fishes. It had the word "splash" written on it repeatedly. These were my favourite ones I would wear them every night before I go to sleep. It would of been weird if I was walking around the house in short shorts, especially when my shirt covers them up. My second shorts are also short shorts, I don't wear those around either. They are blue, just plain ol' navy blue. The last shorts are black, they are gym shorts. A bit lower than mid-thigh in length, they  have a little check mark on them on the left side printed in white. Those ones I sometimes wear around the house.

I guess they are just comfy to sleep in, especially when it's really hot, which is like all the time.

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