I was in grade three, I moved to Canada last year when I was six going on seven. My family and I couldn't stay in U.A.E. Anymore. So now we lived in a building in Canada. My mom and I were outside the building near the parking area. My mom was sitting with her friends talking. I was playing around with my sister and brother. We were near the building doors, and there was this bar thing. I told my brother to watch what I'm about to do.
I sat up on the black bars, I looked down. It was awfully close to the ground, and there was this edge thing sticking out of the bottom, it looked like concrete. I did the back flip anyway, and my head hit the concrete edge thingy. My head was throbbing.
I went to my mom, and told her my head hurts. She put her hands in my hair to feel if there are any bumps. She said there were no bumps, but when she took her hands out of my hair, they were covered with blood. She dragged me upstairs, and into our apartment. She told me to go to the washroom and wait for her so I did. Then she came in with a jug of cold water. I leaned my head over the bathtub as she poured the water over my head rinsing the blood away.
When she was done, she put a band aid on it, which was useless if you ask me. My head was still pounding. She took me back downstairs, and one of her friends drove us to the hospital. I got stitches on my head. Now whenever I feel the spot I got stitches I feel a bump. I'm pretty sure there's a scar too.
Facts About MOI!!
ספרות לא בדיוניתFacts About MOI!! (Me dans francais) (oú in other words, me in french) (oú= or it has this little thing on the top of the u but I don't know which one it is so it technically means where if it has nothing on it. I think this is or = oú) This is bas...