1 (literal wives)

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Things were easy. Things were happy. Things were exactly how Taylor wanted them to be. After everything she'd had to deal with, being in the public eye for the last 15 or so years, things were finally good. Her life finally had some stability. She could stand taller and steadier with a solid foundation. All those years of scrutiny, secrecy and feeling more like a brand than an actual person seemed worth it now.

Now being this very moment. She and Karlie sat on the couch in the living room, both on their laptops with the Food Network humming distractedly in the background. It was nothing extravagant. And that was just what Taylor wanted for the rest of her life.

She released the last album and things happened pretty quickly after that. She did the tour; her and Karlie came out and got married immediately. They didn't have a wedding. They didn't need to. They went to the courthouse together and threw a big party later. Coming out had been looming over them for a while. It was scary and ominous then but now, 3 years later, it didn't seem to matter. They had both stepped away from the spotlight. Karlie started focusing more on business and charity and Taylor on writing with other artists. They occasionally got attention in the tabloids but the media had more or less moved on. Things almost felt normal now. They often both came home after a day of being out and marveled at how few times they'd been stopped. New York was good in that sense.

But more than anything, Taylor was grateful to be in the same place as Karlie permanently. They woke up in the same bed every morning and that, in and of itself, felt like a miracle.


Taylor was awakened by the feeling of what could only be Karlie jumping onto the bed. As Karlie's knees made contact with the mattress, Taylor was instantaneously snapped out of sleep. Her eyes shot open and she gasped. But upon realizing it was just her chipper, early riser of a wife, she closed them again and groaned, blindly reaching for a pillow to cover her head with.

"Baby, baby, baby," Karlie sang, to no tune in particular. "Time to wake up."

This was the last thing Taylor wanted to do. She groaned in protest and it almost sounded like words. She reached for another pillow to cover her head with, trying to set up a barricade between herself and morning.

"No way, Ms. Swift-Kloss. It's after 11 am. I've had breakfast, I've showered, I've been to the gym." Karlie held out a finger for each daily task she had completed so far but Taylor couldn't see that,

"All you've done is sleep." Karlie finished, feigning seriousness but Taylor knew her well enough to hear the smile in her voice.

Taylor said something that was so muffled by the sea of pillows and blankets around her that it was incomprehensible. Karlie got on top of her and straddled her back. She lifted the pillow that was covering Taylor's head and leaned down.

"Sorry, what was that?" She asked. Her voice was much quieter than before but still too alert sounding for Taylor's liking.

"I'm tired!" Taylor groaned as she reached behind her and randomly groped for the pillow Karlie had taken from her.

"Nope. Not happening." Karlie said as she threw the pillow across the room. "It's morning. It's almost afternoon, actually. And its time to get up." Karlie got off of Taylor and stood by the side of the bed looking down at her. Taylor opened one eye. They stared at each other for a moment before Taylor smiled and closed her eye again.

"No." She said, rolling over to face away from Karlie.

Karlie stood there for a moment, planning what to do next. But just when Taylor thought she had won, Karlie swooped down and picked her up. Taylor screamed and grabbed onto Karlie the second her body left the safety of the bed.

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