11 (knot)

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Taylor was 10 weeks and starting to show. Or at least she thought so.

Karlie tried to tell her that she still looked the same but Taylor was not convinced. They had the argument at least once a day for the last 2 weeks and it was always the same.

"You see me everyday. You wouldn't notice." Taylor fought. She crossed her arms and stared at the ceiling.

"No. I know you so well I'd be the first to notice if something changed." Karlie replied quickly. Taylor rolled over in bed to look her. She leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

"You're wrong." Taylor said happily as she buried her face in Karlie's neck.

"No. You're wrong." Karlie added stubbornly. Taylor shook her head.

They laid there quietly for a while, both enjoying not having to get out of bed today. Karlie traced random circles around Taylor's skin, just for the sake of making contact with her somehow.

Taylor felt totally and completely relaxed, something she hadn't felt in a while. She could feel Karlie's hand slow as fingertips danced delicately across skin. Taylor placed an attentive kiss to Karlie's neck and Karlie returned the kiss to Taylor's forehead.

"Are you happy?" Taylor asked Karlie, smiling stupidly.

"Yes, I'm happy. Are you happy?" Karlie asked. Taylor hummed in affirmation. "Good."

Most of their mornings had been starting like this, completely tangled up with each other; mentally and physically, unable to unknot themselves even if they wanted to.

"For real though." Taylor questioned again, returning to their initial debate about whether or not Taylor was showing.

Karlie rolled her eyes and sighed but decided to indulge her. She lightly pushed Taylor onto her back and propped herself up on her elbow.

Karlie ran her hand down Taylor's stomach slowly and leaned back to get a more honest look.

In truth, she wasn't showing yet, not even close. As Karlie's hand glided down the length of Taylor's abdomen, she felt no peaks, no swells. No, Taylor was not showing yet. Karlie would've lied and told Taylor whatever she wanted to hear, but she wasn't sure what that was.

When she reached to hem of Taylor's shirt, Karlie slipped her hand underneath and fully extended her fingers so she could touch as much skin as possible.

Karlie's hand felt warm, almost surprisingly so. Often Taylor had to squirm away from Karlie's normally cold fingers when she slipped into bed at night.

"Your hands are like ice." Taylor would hiss.

"Help me defrost." Karlie would reply and let her cold fingers continue to roam across Taylor's warm skin.

But right now that didn't matter because Karlie's hands were warm against Taylor's skin. And her fingertips moved with a delicate determination that seemed almost impossible this early in the morning. She moved carefully and slowly, reading Taylor's skin like braille.

It brought Taylor a small, silent rush; a pleasant tingly feeling that settled deep in the bottom of her stomach. But more then that it brought comfort. It was a comfort that can only be brought by someone you'd put so much into. By someone you'd spent the last 7 years either waking up next to or wishing you had.

Karlie's gaze moved lazily up the length of Taylor to look in her eyes. They stared at each other for a long moment before Taylor raised her eyebrows, pulling them both back into reality.

Karlie shook her head slowly.

"No," She stuck, "You're not showing yet."

She was hiding a small smile that gave away that she enjoyed their gentle arguments.

Taylor broke their eye contact and looked up at the ceiling, trying to hide a smile of her own. She shook her head for a moment before speaking.

"You're wrong." She said conclusively.

"I'm not." Karlie said back.

"You are."

Karlie shook her head and laid back down next to Taylor, her hand still resting on Taylor's stomach under her shirt.

"If this baby is half as stubborn as you I'm in trouble." Karlie announced, rolling her eyes.

"If this baby is half as difficult as you I'm in trouble." Taylor countered.

Karlie propped herself up on her elbow and smiled.

"You love me." She said, smiling.

"I do." Taylor agreed.

"And I'm not wrong." Taylor smiled faded to a look of stern disappointment.

"You really enjoy this, don't you?" She said.

"What?" Karlie played dumb.

Taylor shook her head. She pulled the covers off of herself and swung her legs over the side of the bed.

"Where are you going?" Karlie asked, although she was already mirroring Taylor and getting ready to follow her.

"Breakfast." Taylor answered simply. She took a sweater off the floor and pulled it over her head.

"Let's go." Taylor held her hand out and wiggled her fingers.

Karlie rushed across the room to take it.

As they walked down the hallway, Karlie looked down at the sweater Taylor was wearing. It was the beige one with the word "genius" written in dark letter across the front.

"That's my sweater."

"Oh my God, Karlie." Taylor said, "No it's not. I got it like ten years ago."

"I don't remember that." Karlie said, shaking her head.

"Because I didn't even know you then."

"Fine. I'll lend it to you." Karlie said, "But only because you're pregnant and it's my job to pamper you."

"It's too early for this." Taylor groaned.

"The second that baby is out it's mine again."

"It was never yours to begin with."

Karlie laughed and brought Taylor's hand up to her lips.

"I love you." Karlie said against Taylor's fingers.

Taylor said nothing and glared up at her.

But Karlie smiled.

Because somehow that meant "I love you too".


Sleep would not come to Taylor.

By 1 in the morning, she'd pretty much decided it was not happening tonight.

The minutes on the clock seemed to change agonizingly slow, like time was making fun of her insomnia. The ceiling fan above her spun and made that buzzing noise she hated. It was only ever drowned out by the occasional sound of a car passing by on the street below.

Taylor tossed and turned, unable to get comfortable. By 2 in the morning, sleep still refused to take her.

"Are you okay?" Karlie asked groggily, rolling over to look at Taylor.

"Yeah." Taylor responded, sounding very awake.

"Are you sure?" Karlie pressed.

"Yeah." Taylor paused and hesitated before explaining, "I just can't sleep, I guess."

Karlie moved closer to Taylor and reached over to put a hand on her back.

"Just try to relax." She said soothingly.

She slipped a hand up the back of Taylor's shirt so she was touching skin and ran her fingers up and down her spine. She leaned over and kissed where her neck meets her shoulder. "Just try to relax." She whispered against her skin.

Karlie's touch seemed to be magic; miraculously, Taylor managed to fall asleep.

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