14 (final chapter)

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Taylor spent all night tossing and turning, the sheets tangled between her legs. There was nothing she could do; sleep would not come to her. It was 2 am and still she felt wide awake.

It had been like this for the last few weeks. Her body completely disregarded the rest of the world and slept when it felt like sleeping. And that was never at night and rarely in bed. Usually on the couch in the afternoon with the Food Network on in the background or sometimes in one of the guest bedrooms and one time in the shower. She didn't really care.

But now, in the early hours of the morning, she would do anything to fall asleep. She wanted to have some normalcy back in her life. Even if that normalcy was simply sleeping at the appropriate time.

Taylor tried to sleep in every position possible; on her back, on either side, on her stomach. She forced her eyes to stay shut and tried not to move, thinking sleep might eventually find her this way but it was in vain; she was still wide awake. She turned onto her stomach again stared at the wall for what felt like the hundredth time that night.

Karlie reached over and put her hand on Taylor's back a bit too firmly.

"Relax." Karlie's voice was slightly muffled by her pillow but still sounded cold. Taylor had to bite the inside of her cheek to stop herself from crying.

She could feel the weight of a thousand nights spent speaking softly in this bed come crashing down. Like what was once comfort in hushed voices exchange under the ceiling fan could now turn around and drown her. Taylor didn't say anything and Karlie pulled her arm back closer to her own body.

Taylor made sure not to move.

She was completely still for a few moments before realizing she could not lay here any longer.

She got out of bed as quietly and slowly as possible and walked towards the door carefully like the floor of their bedroom was a minefield and she was in danger of setting one off.

She slipped into the hallway and padded down the stairs, her bare feet cold against the hardwood.

The kitchen was filled with the dull glow of night. The light from the streets outside echoed into the room providing just enough light to see but still be soft. She turned on the coffee maker and watched the coffee slowly drip into the carafe. When there was enough for a cup, she poured it into a mug and walked over to the window.

New York was dead. No. New York was sleeping. Not dead. Just sleeping. There were still rumblings going on in the city. There were certainly still people awake. People laughing. People crying. People stumbling home drunk after the last call. People breaking up. People getting back together. People dying. People giving birth. People singing. People dancing. People-

Taylor turned around when she heard the floorboards creek. Karlie was standing in the doorway of the kitchen, hugging herself and squinting. Taylor half smiled before turning back, not bothering to ask why she had gotten up.

Karlie walked over to Taylor and wrapped her arms around Taylor's waist from behind. Taylor felt some tension leave her body that she didn't even realize was there.

"I'm sorry." Karlie whispered into Taylor's neck.

"It's okay." Taylor responded almost automatically.

"About everything." Karlie finished.

Taylor didn't answer. She didn't know what to say. And luckily nothing needed to be said. Karlie kissed her shoulder. She reached for Taylor's mug of coffee and took a sip over Taylor's shoulder before handing it back to her. Taylor took a sip and handed it to Karlie. Karlie took a sip. Then Taylor took a sip. Karlie. Taylor.

They went back and forth until the mug was empty and they were laying on the kitchen floor; just sleeping.


(AN: i'll upload the epilogue tomorrow so i guess this isn't really the end. stay tuned!!!)

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