12 (missed)

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(AN: bit of a trigger warning for this chapter i guess i don't know how this works fam but be careful with yourselves) 

Karlie woke in slow motion; like she was being pulled out from under water.

It took a while for her to fully wake up but when she did she was relieved; it was still dark in their bedroom.

She rolled over and squinted to look at the clock. It wasn't even 3 in the morning yet; there were still many sleep-filled hours for her to take.

Taylor was sleeping next to her, which she knew but didn't particularly acknowledge because it had become so normal. It had become standard that one of them roll over in the night and latch on to the other; standard for Karlie to find her and Taylor's fingers interlocked under one of their pillows.

Karlie reached a hand over in the cool darkness and felt for Taylor to pull her in closer but felt instead that the sheets were damp and warm. She furrowed her brow, confused for a moment. She sat up and pulled the covers back and saw bright red staining the sheets beneath Taylor.

Karlie stared at the blood stupidly, trying to understand what it all meant. She slowly looked up at Taylor. Karlie felt her stomach drop and her breath caught in her throat.

"Taylor?" Karlie asked softly. None of this felt real. This was all some bad dream.

"Taylor?" Karlie repeated, with still no response.

Panic and adrenalin suddenly rushed through her. She could feel her heart beat flood into her ears. "Taylor?" It was louder this time and much more frantic. "Taylor, baby, wake up." She patted the side of Taylor's face lightly with one hand and reached over to turn on the lamp with the other.

Taylor stirred slightly and groaned.

"Oh thank God. Taylor. Taylor!" Taylor's eyes slowly fluttered open and she looked up at Karlie.

"Oh thank God." Karlie repeated. She felt a brief but powerful sense of relief. Her voice was shaky and almost sounded like she might cry.

"What's wrong?" Taylor asked groggily, clearly confused. Karlie opened her mouth to speak but was unsure of what to say.

"Do you feel- Are you-" She stumbled out.

"What is it? What's-" Taylor made a move to sit up but stopped abruptly as she looked down and saw the blood. She blanched and looked up at Karlie.

"I don't- I... I think I feel okay." She answered, unsure of herself.

"We should call the doctor." Karlie said firmly, which was the first clear, level-headed thought she'd had all night. Taylor nodded and Karlie reached over to the bedside table for her phone.

She phoned the doctor and Taylor did her best to fill in the conversation based on the pieces she was receiving from Karlie's end.

"Yes... Yes... 10 weeks... Yes... Okay... Alright... Thanks."

Karlie did her best to remain calm and professional on the phone but Taylor knew her well enough to sense her panic. Karlie hung up the phone and got out of bed.

"We're going now." She announced.

"Where?" Taylor asked, following Karlie's lead and getting out of bed.

Karlie quickly rushed over to Taylor. Her eyes lingered on the bright red blood stain Taylor left behind as she got up.

"The hospital." Karlie answered, quickly looking back at Taylor.

"What's going on?" Taylor asked even though she was sure they both had a pretty good idea of what was going on.

"I don't know." Karlie answered.

They got ready in record time. Karlie did her best to get dressed while following Taylor around as she got ready, not ever allowing more than a few feet between them.

Neither of them said a word on the way to the hospital.

The lights on the dashboard were glowing florescent in the dark of midnight. Karlie's driving was frenetic and her knuckles were white around the steering wheel. Taylor was pretty sure she forgot to use her turn signal more often then not and she definitely ran at least one red light.

When they got to the hospital Karlie grabbed Taylor's hand and Taylor almost had to jog to keep up with her.

At 3 in the morning the ER was sparse but they were still let in through a different entrance. They were seen immediately.

It was what they were both thinking since they woke up and saw the blood but didn't want to say out loud. The only comfort the doctor could offer was something about it meaning there was something wrong, it wasn't meant to be this time and they could always try again. But that wasn't really comforting at all.

They didn't cry. They nodded to show they understood and asked when they could go home.


When they got home a few hours later, all Taylor wanted to do was shower; she wanted to wash all of this off of her. They walked through the bedroom to the bathroom and Taylor felt lightheaded when she saw the bloody sheets on the bed. She looked over at Karlie, who's face went white.

But neither of them said anything.

Karlie was weary about leaving Taylor alone to shower. She knocked on the door every few minutes to make sure she was okay.

When Taylor got out of the shower she noticed the room was tidier and more noticeably, that the sheets on the bed had been changed. Karlie stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, like she'd been waiting there. She swallowed hard and they stared at each other for too long of a moment to be casual.

"We should probably try to get some sleep." Karlie said sadly but evenly. Taylor nodded.

When they got into bed Taylor was grateful that Karlie decided to lay so close to her, settling right behind her so they were flush with each other.

Karlie rested her hand on Taylor's stomach out of habit and moved it away like she'd touched a hot stove once she realized.

They laid there in complete silence, in bed with the sun still out. All of this felt wrong.

"Taylor?" Karlie said quietly.


"I love you." She paused, "I couldn't remember if I'd said that yet."

"I love you too."

"No matter what." Karlie added.

"No matter what." Taylor agreed.


(AN: i have a plan my pals hang in there)

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