6 (choke)

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The sun was just starting to come up as Taylor and Karlie poured back into the bedroom. As much as she wanted to suffer alone, Taylor decided it was much better to have someone there while she was throwing up at 5 o'clock in the morning.

And Karlie was thrilled to feel included. She was almost excited when Taylor reached over and hit her to wake her up before running to the bathroom.

Being pregnant was turning out to be physically taxing. She was totally and utterly exhausted.

Taylor fell back onto the bed and brought her palms to her eyes, groaning with fatigue. Karlie stretched out across the bed so her face was mere inches away from Taylor's stomach. She leaned forward and kissed it.
"You see what you're doing to your mom? You're grounded," Karlie said, feigning sternness. "you're not coming out of there for at least 7 more months."
"Karlie," Taylor said, sounding much more annoyed than she intended. "you know the baby is the size of a cough drop, right? It has no idea what you're saying. It can't even hear you."

If Karlie noticed the annoyance in Taylor's voice she didn't show it. Instead, she looked up at her and smiled.

"I love our cough drop." The unadulterated joy in Karlie's voice was almost overwhelming; and it reminded Taylor how she didn't want to do this. She was not as excited as Karlie and she was starting to fear she never would be.

But Taylor swallowed hard and managed a smile.

She pulled at Karlie's shoulder a bit, signaling for her to meet her at eye level. When Karlie was hovering just above her, Taylor leaned up and kissed her. Karlie smiled and kissed Taylor back.


Taylor was trying to get work done but that was proving to be difficult. There were emails she had left unanswered for days and meetings to go to which she had cancelled until further notice. She received several concerned phone calls but remained evasive and made excuses.

It was very unlike her to be so neglectful of her responsibilities, but even more unlike her to not care. It used to be difficult to get Taylor to slow down but now she couldn't get herself going.

She tried to sit down at the piano and write, which was the most enjoyable work she could do, but the words would not come to her. In an effort to eschew further frustration, Taylor abandoned the piano and made her way back to the kitchen.

She sat at the kitchen table with her email inbox open, trying to trick herself into working. But instead she stared at her laptop screen, unsure of where to start.

At the top of her inbox, there was an email from someone who she had had hopes of writing with. Further down her inbox she could see they had sent several emails, presumably following up after Taylor had not answered.

Taylor thought about deleting them. She thought about deleting all of them, every email in the inbox. But she didn't. She stared at the screen, wondering where to begin whittling down this pile of ignored messages.

Taylor's phone buzzed and she almost lunged across the table to answer it, anxious for an excuse to do anything else.

She had received several texts from Karlie. The first was a picture.

It was the cover of a trashy magazine, displayed on one of those magazine stalls that littered the streets of New York.

Their picture was on the front, with a tear edited in between them.

FILING FOR DIVORCE, was written in big yellow letters with three bullet points below it. Taylor stopped reading after she saw something about Taylor cheating on Karlie with some assistant.

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