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The rain was pooling in Taylor's shoes. She quickened her pace as she glided down the street, walking as fast as possible without actually running. With every step she took, she could feel how soaking wet her socks had become. She kept her hood up and her head down and stared at the pavement, just hoping she doesn't crash into anyone. Her teeth were chattering in her mouth and she regularly cursed under her breath.

"It's only a few blocks. I can walk." She muttered to herself, mimicking the foolish words she had said only minutes earlier. She was very much regretting not taking the lift that was offered to her.

Everything was blurred; the rain was all Taylor could see or hear. It felt like she was walking through TV static. It was overwhelming and all Taylor could think about was getting home. So she kept her head down and continued walking.

She rounded the corner and sprinted down the rest of the block to the apartment. Stepping inside, Taylor closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She closed the door and the whirring sound of rain became muffled.

Inside it was calm, especially calm considering the chaos on the other side of the door.

"Taylor!" The doorman greeted happily. "Still coming down out there?" Taylor smiled as she walked by, leaving a trail of water behind her.

"Just sort of spitting." He laughed and Taylor wished him a good rest of the night as she stepped into the elevator.

When Taylor opened the door to the apartment, it was quiet. Almost disturbingly so. She put her bag and keys on the table by the door slowly and quietly, not wanting to disturb the peaceful atmosphere. She took off her coat and hung it up gingerly by the door. She peeled off her socks so she wouldn't leave a trail of water through the house.

Taylor smiled when she heard the familiar sound of happy screaming and bare feet barreling down the hallway towards the front door. She turned around to prepare herself for a greeting but was completely disregarded.

A small toddler whipped right by her, not even clearing Taylor's waist. Her curly, dark hair was in, what probably started out as a top knot but now hung more on the side of her head. She was flapping her arms happily, wearing a sweater far too big for her that came down to about her knees. Taylor recognized it immediately when she saw the word "genius" written in dark letters across the front.

Karlie stumbled into the room after her but stopped and gave Taylor an exhausted but happy smile when she saw her. Taylor sprinted forward and grabbed the child before she darted into the next room.

"Hey! That's my sweater!" She said, lifting her up and kissing her cheek.

"Actually no. It's my sweater." Karlie combated as she walked over.

"Don't think so." Taylor countered, shaking her head and wrestling with the squirming child in her arms.

"It's my sweater!" The toddler screamed, hanging upside down in Taylor's arms.

"Mmmm definitely not." Taylor answered.

"I agree. Definitely not." Karlie said.

"Maybe one day when you're older and it'll fit you," Taylor flipped the toddler upright again and held her tighter to stop her from squirming, "but for now it's still ours." She placed a kiss to the top of her head.

"Hey, shouldn't you be in bed by now?" Taylor asked the child, furrowing her brow.

"Yes, shouldn't you be in bed by now?" Karlie echoed. The only response they got was laughter and a new burst of attempts to break free from Taylor's grasp.

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