4 (game on)

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Taylor looked up at the illuminated screen on her phone as she sprawled out across the bed. She was trying to sort through a long list of unanswered emails. They were starting to pile up; more than Taylor usually liked. Normally she was good about answering promptly but she had been distracted the last three weeks and as a result, hadn't been very productive.

Out of the corner of her eye, Taylor watched Karlie pace back and forth across their bedroom, visibly anxious.

On the counter in the bathroom only a few feet away from them, there was a pregnancy test waiting to seal their fate. Taylor had to practically drag Karlie out because she clearly couldn't handle waiting in there. She set a timer on her phone for 15 minutes and told Karlie to be patient.

But Karlie was clearly having trouble with that.

"Babe, if it doesn't work we'll just try again." Taylor offered nonchalantly, "They said it usually doesn't work on the first try."

Karlie muttered some sort of "I know, I know" but it wasn't really much of an answer.
It was strange to Taylor that she was so indifferent; that Karlie was the one anxious about this. It was Taylor's body after all. But still Taylor was the one telling Karlie to relax.

She put her phone down on the bed and sat up.

"Babe, come here." Taylor said with her arms out towards Karlie. Karlie looked over but didn't move right away and Taylor knew she was deciding whether or not she was going to ignore her.

But Karlie did walk over after a few seconds of deliberation.

"Come, come, come." Taylor repeated, pulling Karlie closer to her the second she was within reach. She pulled Karlie to sit on the edge of the bed in between her legs. She kissed Karlie's shoulder blade.

"Relax." Taylor said softly, "Whatever happens, happens. And if we have to try again, we will." Taylor put her arms around Karlie's middle and pulled her closer, "If we have to try a hundred times, we will." Taylor was surprised that the words came out of her mouth so easily, that her commitment to Karlie extended this far. Although after all this time, she shouldn't be so surprised anymore.

Karlie sighed and leaned against Taylor, letting her head fall back and rest on Taylor's shoulder.

"I know." Karlie said, sounding more concrete than when she had said it earlier. "I'm just excited."

Taylor smiled at the fact that Karlie felt like she needed to tell her that.

"I know you are, baby." Taylor said against the skin of Karlie's neck. She placed a slow and attentive kiss where Karlie's neck met her shoulder. She felt Karlie hold her breath and crane her neck an almost unnoticeable amount. Taylor moved to the middle of Karlie's neck, still as slow and attentive as before. She dragged her lips up until she was right behind Karlie's ear. Karlie's breathing was now deeper and audible as she placed a hand on Taylor's thigh. Taylor laughed quietly and lowly, lightly tugging on Karlie's ear with her teeth. Karlie inhaled sharply and tensed, before her whole body relaxed into Taylor.

"No no no!" Karlie suddenly exclaimed, pushing Taylor off of her and jumping away from the bed.


"Stop trying to distract me." Karlie said, now standing several feet away from the bed and Taylor.

"From what?" Taylor asked, although she knew exactly what she was trying to distract

Karlie from.

"You know exactly what." Karlie said, pointing an accusatory finger in Taylor's direction.

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