7 (careless)

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Later that week Taylor and Karlie had an event to go to. Taylor wasn't even exactly sure for what. Some charity Karlie had worked with in the past. Karlie had insisted she stay home but Taylor wanted to go. For Karlie. At least that's what she kept saying.

But now, fifteen minutes before they had to leave, Taylor was really wishing she had agreed to stay home. She was exhausted and sore and really didn't want to but she was going for Karlie. For Karlie. Do it for Karlie. That seemed to be the mantra lately.

Taylor looked at herself in the vanity mirror as she glided the color onto her lips. Leaning back again, she rubbed her lips together and looked at herself again. Close enough. She put her earrings on and looked over to see Karlie walking into the room. She was looking down at her phone.

Karlie looked ethereal; Taylor could've spent the rest of her life staring at her. But she settled with letting her eyes linger for only a moment before turning back to the vanity mirror.

"Karlie," Taylor said, "Can you zip me up, please?"

"Yep" Karlie said, walking over and putting her phone on the dresser.

She stood behind Taylor and pulled the zipper up her back, stopping an inch before the top and leaning down to press a kiss right below her neck. Taylor felt goosebumps spread along her skin as Karlie lightly dragged her lips to the side of Taylor's neck. With one final kiss, Karlie rested her chin on Taylor's shoulder and smiled.

"You look beautiful." Karlie said, looking at Taylor in the mirror.

"Thank you. So do you."

"Thank you." Karlie said. Karlie's phone vibrated and she leaned over to look.

"The car is here. You ready?" Taylor nodded and they walked down the stairs.

"I don't even think we're going to be late. This is so not like us." Karlie said they stood in the elevator going down to the main floor of the apartment building.

"I know." Taylor agreed, "Have we gotten boring?" Karlie threw her head back and laughed. She took Taylor's hand and brought it to her lips.

"Yes." She answered with a smile.

Taylor was exhausted; mentally and physically. All of this forced small talk seemed so much more arduous than ever before. It was hard to act like she wasn't completely stressed and worn out. Staying focused on having a conversation seemed almost impossible.

"Can I get you something to drink?" the man she was talking to asked, Taylor had already forgotten his name.

Normally she would love a drink. Especially tonight when she wanted nothing more than to relax but she couldn't. She was pregnant. She can't drink. Taylor could feel herself becoming bitter. Or rather, bitterer. She forced a smile.

"No thanks, I'm good." She said. She excused herself to continue mingling. Everyone here was happy and laughing, dressed to the nines; men in suits and women in long elegant dresses.

Taylor followed Karlie around for most of the night. Karlie was happy and seemed engaged in every conversation she had. And everyone was equally as happy to talk to Karlie. Karlie had that affect on people. She could effortlessly carry on a conversation with anyone, smiling along and really listening. Taylor often caught herself mostly watching Karlie listen instead actually listening herself. She still, after all these years, felt her heart flutter a bit when Karlie laughed. And she felt proud when Karlie took her hand to continue working the room. They were there together. No more big groups or buffers. They weren't there as friends, they were there as a couple; as wife and wife. They were a team. And tonight, Taylor was especially grateful for that.

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