night meetings

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Allen slugishly made his way to the dinner hall. It was only a little after twelve and the black order was mostly asleep, well except for the science department. He could hear the muffled sounds of their complaining drifting around the order, mostly them yelling at komui-sans lazyness. He smiled sleepily at it then instantly frowning down at his stomach as it let out a large painful grumble. Rubbing his stomach and slouching in slight annoyance, Allen continued on down the hall.         

He'd awoken afew mintues ago to the growing need for food. Skipping dinner hadn't been the best idea, but he was so exhausted from the days work. Kanda had not been easy on him today.
The pain of hunger was to much and soon not being able to stand it any longer he'd pulled himself out from under the warm comfort of his bed to fill his stomach. Which brought him to his half asleep figure walking though the halls like a zombie.

When he finally made it to the doors of the large eating area he leaned his heavy head on the cool wood door. Closing his eyes for a second, but quickly snaping them open as he felt his knees give way. Steadying himself he rubbed his eyes.

"Eh..I'm so tired~." Allen stuffled a yawn before righting his stance and pulling open the door, he blamed Kanda for this situation. Passing through then bringing it to a soft click closed behind him, Allen could hear the buzz of silence. Jerry wouldn't be in to start making food for awhile yet,--it was early even for most--but he always left Allen a little (or at least little for him) snack in the kitchen. He sighed at the thought of eatting and started to shuffle his way over to the kitchen. Opening the small door that lead to the cupboard, Allen quickened his grogy walk to the heavenly food.

"Finally..."He yawned widly and grabed some snacks, shoving them into his mouth. Only stopping when there were afew left. He sighed, 'That should hold till morning.' He thought while rubing his less aching stomach.

Walking back was going to be less of a challenge, having gained some energy. But with that little burst of energy. The silence was not just a buzz like he had thought. Allen placed his hand around his ear, pushing the white messy piece's of hair away. Still the sound was unclear. So he shuffled quietly further into the open eating area. Allen immediately paused when he heard what the sound was . '
Wha-what? It sounds like someone...sleeping!?'
All plans about heading back to bed left his head as Allen could only wonder why anyone would fall asleep down here. He took a step closer towards the sound and cringed when he hit a loose spoon that'd been left on the floor. The sounds of sleeping hitched. He saw movement coming from a few tables down.
'Well whoever it is definitely isn't asleep now.'
The once dozing person sat up straight and glance around quickly. Allen heard them curse profoundly. Oh he knew who it was now. No-one swore like that other then him.

"Hey bakanda!" Allen called out to the swords men and felt a smile grow on his face when Kanda jumped. Allen was glad that he'd woken him up, no way was he letting Kanda sleep while he had to get up. He'd whipped around now to face the small Brit, who was walking closer.

"What are you doing down here so late?" Allen tilted his head curiously to one side glancing down at the older man once he'd reached the table.

"Che, The hell does it matter to you moyashi." Kanda grumbled out a reply looking away from the Brit. Allen scowled at him.

"Fine, I was just asking a simple question. Trying to start a conversation really." He crossed his arms and leaned back on the tables edge next to Kanda. The way they were positioned Allen could clearly see the top of Kanda's head and it gave him a thought that made him give a low hum of a laugh which turned into a louder more uneven one.
"Oi, moyashi what are you laughing at." Kanda was giving him a look that Allen couldn't quite read.

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