night meetings Part three

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Allen was jerked awake by a loud knocking on the door. Disturbed he lifted his head to glare at the sound, this had been some of the best rest he'd had in months and people choose now to talk to him. The knocking paused and Allen sighed in relief, laying his head back down. The relief didn't last long because the knocking started again grunting he pulled the warm blankets further over his head. Curling in on himself under it, hugging his knees close. Thinking if he ignored the rude sound long enough whoever was at the door would give up and leave.
The knocking ceased after a minute or an hour, it felt like forever, Allen smiled at the peaceful quiet from under the blanket. Unfortunately this silence didn't last long either and it was interrupted by even louder and harder knocking then the first few times.
'What the hell do they want!' Allen thought, throwing himself out from under the warm comfort of his blanket. He stomped over to the door and yanked it open with more force then needed, the hinges protesting against the wood.
"WHAT THE BLOODY HE-" Allen was cut off mid shout when he saw who had been knocking. Covering his mouth with both hands Allen tried his best to look apologetic.

"Um...good morning to you too?" Lavi had his hand still ready to pound on the door, sweating nervously. Allen sighed dully and rubbed his hand down his face. In an attempt to cool his annoyance.

"S-sorry Lavi." Allen tried to apologize lamely.

"Aw nah nah little Allen!" Lavi was quick to bat away the apology. He put his hands together and made as if to dust the situation away. "Busy night?" He inquired, a small smile playing on his face. Allen glanced oddly at him but nodded is head rather then explaining different.

"Hmmm I thought you might of been exhausted after all the bickering you and Kanda did yesterday." Lavi scratched his head messing up his red hair even more. Allen froze at hearing the swords men's name. The memory of last nights encounter resurfaced from his sleep induced daze and a bright red colouring painted over Allen's face following it. He pretended to still be rubbing the sleep from his eyes to cover it up.

"Uh Lavi what is it that you wanted?"

Lavi's uncovered eye lit up."Oops sorry, Lenalee wants to meet us for breakfast. Told her I'd come get you then head down." Lavi glanced over Allen's appearance."And a good thing I did. You might've slept till noon!" Allen laughed with Lavi, his face still red. He was probably right about that.
"Alright Lavi I'll meet you guys there just let me get cleaned up."
"Yay! See you there moyashi-Chan!" Lavi gave Allen what he could only assume was a wink with his one eye before skipping off.
"It's Allen!" Allen shouted in mock anger and kept smiling at his friends retreating back. Only dropping it when he was back in his room, door shut.
Allen leaned his back against the door covering his face with both hands. His face blazing red as he continued to think of last night. It was a bit of a blur because of how tired he was but he clearly remembered just how comfortable he'd been with the man. He also couldn't believe how he'd forced Kanda to carry him to bed. Well not really, he was tired and couldn't help it! Kanda could have easily of just left him there. 'Of course it's not like I minded. was really kind of him...gahhhh! How am I going to face that Baka!' He shook his head, Allen didn't know what he would do if he saw him. He hoped that maybe Kanda wouldn't bring it up and they could continue with their usual bickering. Allen rubbed a hand through his hair, blowing out a frustrated sigh. He knew that wasn't what he wanted. Allen quite liked how well they could actually get along. They hadn't done more then tease each other as they sat in the nights silence but it had been a start.
"My brain is going to explode from over thinking this.."Allen whispered annoyed. He closed his eyes and tugged his hair trying to pull out an answer to this confusion. Finally he threw his hands into the air and decided to get cleaned up. He'd missed one meal already and he wasn't going to miss another. Once again he blamed Kanda for this.

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