night meetings part five

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Allen impatiently sat on the edge of his bed. His knees bouncing up and down with no rhythm. He'd thrown his uniform jacket somewhere onto the bed feeling too hot and stuffy, even with the winters cold wind bringing a chill through Allen's open window. Keeping only his white button up shirt and black pants on but removing his shoes.
After his talk with Kanda and run in with Lenalee, he had stood in that one spot for the longest time trying to figure out what the hell was happening. In the end all he could come up with was that something had changed between Kanda and him but it was a change he liked. He was still pissed though that Kanda had disappeared on him again, and Allen would likely punch him again. At dinner even though he knew Kanda wasn't going to show up he still looked. Lenalee gave him a worried glance when she thought he wasn't looking. Lavi didn't say anything when Allen excused himself before everyone else but did give him a confused look. To Allen's relief neither of them had brought up Kanda's absence.

It wasn't until the bright light of the moon shown through his window that Allen decided it was time. Not that Kanda could tell him any different, after all bakanda told him he would know and for all he knew it was now. Leaving his jacket and shoes, Allen tiptoed out of the room, and down the hall listening carefully for any signs of others making their own late night trips.
Only having to backtrack once after taking a few wrong turns Allen made it to the training room in pretty good time.

Quietly turning the cold metal handle on the door Allen felt the cold seep into his glove less hand, not bothering to grab them when he left. Sticking his head through the open crack in the door he peered in to the large high ceiling room. Eyes adjusting to the lighter room Allen noticed the only light source was coming from large paneled windows lining one of the far walls. He fully entered the room dragging his eyes away from the window to look around. It was eerily calm without people in it doing their usually loud and destructive training.

Allen, after scanning a majority of the room, spotted a lone dark figure sitting in the open area with his back facing the window. Allen felt a soft smile grow on his face. He was still angry at the swords men, but the feeling had simmered down to allow the calm atmosphere to wash over him. He felt a little less like he wanted to punch Kanda, just a little though.
He let the doors swing close loudly behind him not caring to be quiet any longer. Seeing the dark figure of Kanda shift in his direction Allen made his way over coming to sit on the left and copying him sat cross-legged, leaning back on his arms.

Their shadows were overlapping on the far wall. Glancing from corner of his eye he took a minute to take in the swords men's appearance, the same long hair pulled up, the same black undershirt that left his arms bare to the winter chill in the room and Allen wondered if he was cold. And unlike Allen he still had his shoes on. Finally deciding that the silence had gone on for long enough he chose to speak first as Kanda remained still, gaze fixed on the shadows as well.

" are you?" Allen wanted to cringe at how awful that sounded, his mouth felt like it was full of cotton balls. It was not what he had really wanted to say. What he really wanted to say was 'Why are you such a pain?' but still Allen pushed those thoughts away and silently cheered in his head 'nailed it!'

Kanda relaxed his position as he spoke, shoulders slouching forward turning to look at Allen. The light behind them made the angles of his face more defined, Allen forbid himself to turn his whole head around and gawk. Not that he would ever admit it. "I actually didn't think you would come."

Forgetting his last thought Allen whipped his head around to stare surprised at the swords men. "What?"

Before he could make eye contact with him Kanda looked back at the shadows. Eyes shifting between the two.
"Doesn't matter, you're here. Just don't fall asleep moyashi." Allen was a little annoyed at the topic changing but didn't voice it. He let out a huff.

"Ha! I'll just make you take me back to my room again!" He expected Kanda to get annoyed at him and tell him to piss off. What he didn't expect was a sneaky look from Kanda and the shock of him actually considering it an option. Allen face turned lava and he could imagine his face becoming as red as his arm had once been. He brought one of his hands over and gestured wildly putting his hand out like he could stop Kanda from thinking. The black ink colour of his hand popping out against the paleness of Kanda's face.

"Don't you dare!" Kanda looked at the flustered boy, a devilish smirk visible on his face. If Allen's face could get any redder it did just then.

"I was joking bakanda! Once was enough." Kanda let out a deep laugh as he shrugged, then reaching over with one hand pushed Allen making him unbalanced from only leaning on one arm.

"That's for punching me earlier."

Allen quickly brought his other arm down to steady himself. He glared towards the man, but a small kind smile played on his lips. He liked this side of the swords men.


Sorry for the long wait. I'm on vacation until September and have more time to write. Let me know what you think! Thank you for reading. Bye for now.

I don't own d.gray-man


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