night meetings twenty four

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"Why are you wearing that to breakfast?"

"I can wear what I want Moyashi." Kanda adjusted his new scarf around his neck.

"Ah alright, but don't come crying when you get food on it."

Kanda laughed and swatted Allen's shoulder, he blocked it and held the taller males hand tight.

He swung their intertwined hands as they walked slowly to the dining hall. The temperature had risen since last night and Allen basked in the heat on his bare arms. He'd borrowed one of Kanda's back sleeveless shirts and chose to carry his uniform jacket draped over his free arm. Kanda left his jacket and opted to wear a more loose fitting short sleeve.

"So you think the others are already there?" He asked breaking the silence.

"We slept in Moyashi, they probably already ate and left."


"But knowing that baka usagi they are waiting for us."

Allen smiled at the thought but then bit his lip suddenly feeling upset.

"What?" 'curse Kanda and his observantness,' Allen thought.

"Oh, nothing, I'm just about ready to eat my own arm if we don't get there soon."

"Liar." Kanda slowed his pace down and leaned in close to Allen's face. A gentle thumb brushed the lip he had worrying between his teeth. Allen rolled his eyes at the affectionate gestures and felt his face heat.

"Ugh alright." Allen frowned and placed kanda's hand over his heart. "It's just that once we get there we won't be able to act like this and I want to but-."

"Who said we couldn't?"

"Kanda you can't mean that-"

"Che Moyashi don't think so low of me. I don't care any more. It is what it is and I'm happy to keep you close." Kanda captured Allen's lips in a brief kiss, Allen laughed as they pulled apart. "Now I may have said I like our moments alone, but that's only because I can get even closer."

"Your so cheesy bakanda."


A mountain of warm and delicious smelling food greeted Allen when they reached the hall.

"Jerry! I can't express how much I love you!" Jerry stuck his nose in the air and gave a playful wink at him. 

Kanda gave an obviously fake glare his way, "Hey."

"Hey your self." Allen laughed, giving back a cheeky grin. Kanda quirked a brow at him and Allen mimicked it. Kanda looked away to grab his soba off the counter placing it on the trolly with Allen's many dishes.

Jerry leaned against his counter a grin nearly splitting his face. "Getting along now are we?"

"You could say that."

"Don't play with me young man. I know love when I see it." Allen felt his heart thud against his chest. The idea of loving kanda still making him weak in the knees.
Jerry gave a hum of approval and a stern look to the both of them. "Now you two take good care of each other. This line of work can dig up a lot of emotions. Be there for each other, you hear."

Allen was overwhelmed and touched by Jerry's words. He felt a warm body press close to his side, and grab his hand. Looking up at Kanda then back to Jerry, his smile bright and hopeful.

"Don't worry, I think we can handle it." The poor chief looked ready to cry, happy to see something good come out of the mess around them.

"Excellent! Now shoo! Go eat your food before it gets cold!" Jerry swatted them away with his spatula. Allen felt a hand on his elbow pull him away, he didn't resist as Kanda dragged him to what might as well be called 'their' table. Allen laughed, waving goodbye to the cook.

Kanda used one hand to push the mountainous cart of food and the other to lead Allen behind him. Allen stifled a laugh as kanda barely managed to keep it straight and from falling.

"You might need two hands Kanda." He only grunted in reply.

"You're not going to let go?"

"Why would I do that? You might get lost Moyashi, I'm only thinking of your safety."

"Really now."

He stopped the trolly next to the table moving to sit down, Allen forced to follow him. "Someone as short as you could easily get stepped on"

"Shut up! That's not funny!" Allen bit his lip to keep from laughing. He sat close to kanda teaching acrossed him to grab both meals.

"Then why are you laughing, huh?" Kanda poked him in the ribs as he reached over"I thought it was funny." 

Allen nudged him in the chest with his shoulder, "No, it was rude."

The sound of someone clearing their throat drew his attention to the others across the table.

"Oh morning lenalee! Lavi! Sorry we're late. Slept in." He shoved some rice in his mouth and let himself sag in pure delight.

"Uh both of you?" Lenalee asked  giving kanda a questioning look.

Lavi bounced around in his seat  "Forget that! What's going on right now! Usually half the order is trying to stop one of your fights! Now your being all friendly?"

"I'd say a little more then friendly." Kanda snaked an arm around Allen's waist making the brit blush into his bowl.

"Oh." Was all Lenalee could utter before understanding and giving them a happy smile. Allen reached down and clasped his hand over the one on his side, giving it a squeeze.

Lavi darted a finger between them a loss for words, "Wait so you guys-don't- what..boyfriend?"

Allen looked at Kanda grinning like the Cheshire cat.
"Are we boyfriend?"

Kanda pretended to consider this before grinning just as much.
"Yeah, we are 'boyfriend."

"What the hell! Why didn't you tell us sooner! I'm so happy for you two." Lavi looked ready to jump across the table and hug them to death. For some reason his eyes landed on Allen and the brit wondered if there was something on his face. Instead Lavi slapped his hands together startling the three.

"Holy-you're wearing his shirt, you guys are killing me!"

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