night meetings part four

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Allen hadn't caught a single glimpse of the man since he left his room. Then again he could have seen him and his brain just hadn't processed it yet. He'd been to worried about what would happen at breakfast to notice anything, wondering what Kanda would do. Black mail? Who knows because he never showed up for his morning meal of soba noodles. Which brought a whole different kind of worry. Allen hesitantly guessed that his absence was because he'd slept in. Lavi hadn't been much help in calming his nerves, pointing out his constant scaning of the room and anxious behaviour, almost interrogating him. Allen would have been fine with Lavi's questioning him but the smile he had on his face said just how much he was amused by it all.
"So Allen. Do you know where Kanda is?" Lavi questioned, and Allen choked on his food. "Lavi leave him alone already!" Shouted Lenalee reaching over and slapping Allen's back in an attempt to help him. Lavi put his hands up in surrender, apologizing. Allen managed to swallow his food and take in a gulp of air shooting a grateful look to Lenalee who smiled back. Lavi did as he was told and left him alone after that, Allen finishing his food quickly before politely excusing himself. As he walked away he could hear Lavi, and Lenalee begin to whisper quietly to each other. He sighed but continued out of the room giving it one last glance over hoping to catch a sight of Kanda's dark hair.

Allen went about his daily routine at the order wondering where Kanda was. It seemed odd that he couldn't find him. On a normal day they'd be at each others throats by now. Fighting with each other would have been better than this. To be honest he was split between wanting to talk to Kanda about their little night meeting, and running from him. He needed to at least do something, say anything! Kanda's little disappearing act was not helping either. Even if it was just a thanks for carrying him to his room. The very thought of it brought a blush to his face. Making him think it was a good thing that he didn't find Kanda or that he was avoiding him.

It wasn't until about mid afternoon when Allen was aimlessly wondering the order that he finally caught the swordsmen. Without a second thought Allen raced down the hall forgetting his worries.
"Kanda!" Said person stopped walking down the long hallway and spun around slowly meeting Allen's eyes. Kanda's gaze growing more and more uncertain as Allen wasted no time in running up to him. Allen was more afraid of him disappearing again then he was of possible consequences and he would rather let himself be angry at the swords men think he was avoiding him then feel anything else. Coming to stand in front of Kanda, Allen dropped his eyes to the floor and with a deep breath pulled back a fist and slammed it into the man's chest. "Where the hell were you! I've been looking for you all bloody day! You can't seriously be avoiding me!"

Kanda grunted from the impact and took a step back but otherwise didn't react. Allen surprised at the lack of violence and curses coming from him looked up to stare in confusion. Only to be met with a raised eyebrow and Kanda looking amused. A smile played on his lips and small creases formed around his eyes with it. Allen would be lying if he said it didn't make his heart stop."You were looking for me moyashi?" He placed a hand on the hilt of his sword and the other rubbed the spot of Allen's punch.

"" Allen paused, the look on Kanda's face(or maybe just his face in general) caused him to forget whatever argument he had, so much for being angry. Kanda laughed at Allen's speechlessness, a deep rumble that made him relax a bit. He couldn't think of anything to say. Allen hadn't really planned what he would actually say to the swords men when he found him and just saying 'thank you for carrying me to bed' did not sound like such a good idea anymore."Hey, quit it." He huffed once he'd remember how to form words. He didn't speak again until Kanda had quieted. Allen crossed his arms impatiently. Not really looking at Kanda. "Thank you, bakanda." Kanda rolled his eyes.

"For what?"

"Well one, you stopped laughing. Two, not avoiding-"

"I wasn't avoiding you," Allen glared at him. "Fine..I just.. I will tell you later. Go to the training area tonight."

"Later tonight? Why can't we talk now?" He uncrossed his arms, pointing an accusing finger at him. "And you didn't let me finish." Kanda looked away from him and down the hall, Allen could hear voices moving towards them in that direction. Turning back Kanda reached out and lightly touched Allen's left shoulder, making him jump. He hadn't noticed how close they where standing. Once Kanda caught his gaze again he gave him a pleading look which caught Allen off guard. 'This is weird seeing Kanda like this..but a good weird?' Allen thought eyeing him carefully, then decided to nod in agreement. This seemed to please Kanda as he smirked sliding his hand away from the other leaving a trail of goose bumps, and slowly started to walk away. The people down the hall were much closer now and Allen could recognize the sound of Lenalee's voice. He stared hard at the retreating figure of Kanda.

A question popped up in Allen's mind. "When?" He whisper shouted, not wanting to be heard by the others. Kanda turned his head back but continued walking.
"You'll now when." And with that he disappeared around a corner. At the same time the people coming from the other direction came in to view but Allen didn't pay them much attention as he continued to stare in growing annoyance at the empty hall in front of him.

"Oh, hi Al-"

Allen threw his hands in the air cursing. "What is that even supposed to mean! 'I'll know'! That fu-"

"Allen!" He felt the edge of a clipboard connect with the side of his head. "What is the matter with you?" Lenalee glared as he rubbed the lump on his head sheepishly.

"Sorry," Allen put his hand down, remembering that he'd heard her talking to someone and he looked around Lenalee to see who it was. "Oh, Hello Miranda" He gave the woman a closed eye smile.

She waved at him timidly. "Hello."

Lenalee sighed and moved to stand next to Miranda, gently putting a hand on the other women's arm, Allen followed the movement with his eyes subconsciously reaching up to touch his left shoulder. "We have to go Allen, but please talk to me if you need anything. You know I don't like it when you hide things from me." Smiling and giving him a concerned look, which Allen returned with a smile that never reached his eyes, she pulled Miranda with her toward a connecting hall. Miranda twisted around to wave goodbye this time, a sad smile on her lips.

"See you later Miranda." He waved back at her. 'And you to bakanda'

Let me know what you think about this story and hope you have a good evening/afternoon/morning(whenever you read this)!!


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