night meetings part nine

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"If you know how to braid hair why have I not seen you with braided hair before?"

"Are you still going on about that Moyashi?"

Allen quickly moved away from the man he was walking with thinking he was being annoying. "Sorry! Sorry! I'm just curious! I mean-" Kanda pulled Allen back to him with their still linked arms. Cutting him off with an hmfp as he bumped into kanda's side. 

"Calm down I'm not mad, just confused." Allen let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. Kanda looked down at him before nudging his head signaling to keep walking, Allen nodded. "Now say that again?" He glanced at Allen urging him to speak. "Please?"

Allen smiled in sudden calm. "Okay, Kanda?" said man nodded. "How come you don't braid your hair?"

"I don't know. I guess I found it didn't suit me? That's not much of an answer is it?"

"No, it's alright I understand!" Allen absent mindedly placed his other hand on Kanda's shoulder and gently give the arm linked with his a squeeze. Kanda responded just the same by pulling him closer.

Kanda side glanced Allen. "But you know who it does suit?" Confused Allen shook his head.
Kanda shook his own head and flicked Allen's nose making him go cross-eyed. "You. Damn moyashi who else would it be?"

"Kanda don't, you sound like Lavi when he flirts." Allen slide his hand off Kanda's shoulder to cover his laugh. Kanda groaned sounding frustrated.

"Whatever moyashi! Lets just get to the dinner hall already and get this over with!" kanda's pace sped up and Allen didn't argue with him.

When they reached the doors both males stared at them and then each other.

"So are-"

"Did you-"

They both started, making each other laugh. Allen was the first to pull away and take a step towards the door. "I'll go in first if that makes it easier." Allen gave kanda a closed eye smile."Once you have your food come find me-or us?" He was quick to correct himself.

"I got it Moyashi. I'll see you soon." Allen nodded then entered the room.

"Allen!" He turned to see Jerry waving at him with a spatula over the counter. Allen beamed at the cook before jogging over, the different scents of food making him dizzy with hunger.

"Jerry! Good morning! How are you?"

"Morning! And I have to say I'm  better now that you're here." His spatula came swinging an inch from Allen's face making him sweat. "I was worried you would miss another meal! And you were so quick to leave yesterday! You child," another swing, "are growing and with the amount of food you need, I don't think missing even one meal is healthy." Allen bowed his head in shame from being scolded by the cook.

"I'm sorry Jerry!"

"Aw Allen listen, your breakfast is done and still warm, just don't give me more stress then I already have got it?" Allen nodded vigoursly thanking him while still apologising again and again. "You are forgiven. Now go eat up!" Jerry swung the spatula one last time and Allen pulled out his trolly of food, hoping to spot a familiar red and green. 

It didn't take long, the sounds of Lavi's laugh guided him to their table. Lavi's usual glow of excitement tripled when he finally laid eyes on Allen. Nearly throwing himself across the table to get a closer look at Allen's still braided hair.

"Nice hair little buddy! It suits you!" Lavi poked his exposed forehead staying clear of the star shape mark.

"Thanks?" Allen leaned back from the touch uncomfortable And awkwardly sat down.

Lavi removed his hand but still laid across the table studying his hair. Then something seemed to catch his eye. With lightening speed he grabbed the end of his braid flipping it back and forth getting a better look. Exlaiming loudly when he found what he was looking for."Hey that hair tie looks familiar!"

"Uh-uh I found it!"

"Eh?" Lack gave Allen a puzzled look.

Lenalee swatted his arm telling him to get off the table. He ignored her and continue to forget the concept of personal space. Until a shining blade came eye level between the two of them.

"Sit back down you baka usagi or I will chop YOUR hair off." Lavi gulped and slide slowly into his seat. Lenalee scolded both of them for being immature and Allen again let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding, if this continues he was going to suffocate by dinner. Kanda's appearance gave Allen a sense of relief and the tension in his shoulders dropped. As kanda sat down next to him he let out a quiet thank you. Kanda looked at him and nodded, bumping a hand against his knee in reassurance. The contact made him smile to himself.

Lavi already over his trama and forgetting about Allen's hair, pulled back his smile."Ah Kanda decided to join us today I see. What did you do yesterday?"

Kanda gave Allen a quick glance his eyes sparkling. "Che, none of your damn business."

"Aww calm down Kanda."

Allen didn't pay much attention to the actual conversation that followed. Instead he watched as Kanda's usually permanent smirk became more of a genuine smile while they talked and enjoyed their meal. It would have otherwise gone unnoticed by the younger male if he hadn't seen it before. And been the reason for it. 'Ha you care too Bakanda.'


Have a good morning/day/night!


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