night meetings part twenty three

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Allen woke from his deep sleep feeling over heated and smothered. He groan trying to untangle what he thought were the sheets from around him. But they fought back entangling more and feeling like a weight on his back. "Huh?"

"Moyashi it's too early, stop." The deep and tired voice of Kanda made him jump.

"Oooh right." Allen thought.
He turned his head to see Kanda laying face down on his back. His head on resting between his shoulder blades. An arm reach out across him.

Allen struggled a bit but managed to free his arm that was trapped under him. He hissed when the blood returned to his fingers.

"Kanda move over it's too hot and you're crushing me."

Kanda ignored him and Allen grunted in frustration. "Fine then."

Allen pushed up on his hands and let Kanda roll off him.

Kanda jerked awake and held onto the bed before he completely rolled off. "Che. Could have just asked me to move."

"I did." Allen fell back down on to his side. He was still tired but didn't feel like going back to sleep. Instead he watched Kanda shift into the same position to face him.

Once settled Allen gave him a sleepy smile. "Morning love."

Kanda covered Allen's face with a hand and huffed.

"Oi, don't get all sweet with me I could of fallen off the bed."

"But you didn't." Allen gave him a cheeky grin and took the hand on his face moving it to lay across his side. Pulling Kanda closer to fold against his chest.

They laid together for maybe a couple more hours before Kanda sat up with Allen still in his arms. He yawned and rubbed his face with the hand not supporting Allen.

"So any plans for today?" Kanda asked the mop of messy white hair.

Allen moved his bangs back to look up at Kanda with a raised brow. "Why? Want to go out again?"

"I believe it's called a date." Kanda grinned down at him like had won the lottery.

Allen didn't respond right away and kanda back tracked.

"Or we don't have to. If I took what you said last night the wrong way tell me, because I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

Allen gave him a loving look and shook his head. "Kanda I...I like going out with you. And I want to do it more." Allen took a deep breath and focused his gaze intently on Kanda's patient one. "What I really want to say is, I want to be with you. More then I already am, if possible. So yes I want more dates."

Kanda jumped Allen throwing them both onto the floor. "I couldn't ask for anything more Allen." His arms squeezed the smaller boy utterly terrified if he let go they'd both crumble to dust. Allen was sat in kanda's lap, his long legs curled on either side of him. He let Kanda rock them slowly from side to side.

"Haha how the hell did any of this happen." Allen returned the embrace just as hard and grinned when kanda gasped that he couldn't breathe. Loosening his hold, Allen ran his hands through kanda's hair. It had come undone and the long locks fell in tangles down his back. Kanda closed his eyes and hummed enjoying the feeling of Allen playing with his hair. He rested his forehead against the others. Because he was sitting in Kanda's lap Allen had to lean his head down slightly. Kanda being eye level with the bridge of his nose.

"I don't care how it happened. I just want it to stay like this."

"Stop being so cheesy bakanda." Kanda said nothing happy where he was.

"You know I realized something last night. When we were dancing."

Kanda have him his undivided attention as he spoke and instead of feeling nervous under his gaze it made him confident.

"Kanda, I love you." Kanda froze his rocking. Allen paled. "Oh my- was that to soon? I'm sorry."

Kanda frowned. "Allen don't you ever say sorry for telling someone you love them. That hurts me to think you feel that way." he brought Allen back into a tight hug, his face buried into the crook of Allen's neck.

Allen let them sit in silence before starting again.

"I love you."

He felt Kanda smile against the skin on his neck and the words said softly on his skin. "I love you too Allen."

Kanda didn't know what urged him to do this but he reluctantly pulled away from Allen. Both stared into the eyes of the other. Kanda's hands dropped to Allen waist. His eyes dropped as well to Allen's mouth, quickly seeing a tongue dart between his two lips. He made eye contact again with Allen, leaning in. The smaller boys breath hitched as Kanda came closer. He waited in anticipation as their shallow breathing hit each other.

Their lips met with a soft moan from Allen. He hadn't realized just how badly he'd wanted this. His eyes closed and tilted his head down to deepen the kiss. Not expecting this Kanda felt himself shutter. Both their lips were dry but it don't bother them. Kanda lowered his hands farther to grip Allen's hips, pulling him even closer. Allen responded by tugging kanda's hair gently.

Allen was the first to pull back. His heart was racing in his chest. Blood rushed to his face and burned brightly.

Kanda could feel his own heart chasing Allen's racing one.

Allen not being able to help himself reached up to brush kanda's lips with his thumb. It almost didn't feel real.

Kanda smirked an licked Allen's thumb.

"Ew!!" Allen used the hand on kanda's face to shove it back. Kanda laughed loudly and his reaction.

"Seriously Mohashi?"

"What!? You licked me!" Allen held his hand protectively against his chest. "AND you ruined the moment, way to go bakanda!"

"You know some people would consider that to be very sexual."

"Oh for the love of-" Allen burst out laughing at the over the top suggestive look Kanda was giving him. It was such a strange thing to see Kanda making jokes. Allen just couldn't get enough of this man.

Kanda made sure Allen didn't fall over as he laughed. The younger male hunched over in kanda's lap and wiped away the tears that had gathered in his eyes. Once he's gathers himself together he yawned and stretched his arms above his head. Kanda leaned back on his hands.

"You know what else I love?" Allen inquired after his stretch.

Kanda faked a scoff. "What? Do you love it more than me?"

"No! Equal love really."

"Really now. What am I up against?"

"Food. That's comes second after you. I'm starving!"

Kanda laughed. Sitting back up he captured Allen's face between his hands making him look like a fish. He kissed the tip of Allen's nose them helped him up off his lap.

"Here look for some of my clothes to borrow and we can go straight to breakfast instead of making a trip to your room. I'll go clean up first." Allen watched him walk into his room's attached bathroom.

"Fine with me."

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