night meetings part seventeen

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"I don't get it they were getting along just fine what happen!"

"I don't know Lavi I really don't."
Allen wanted to laugh at how bad the two were at keeping their conversation private. But he humored them by staying quiet.

In truth they were still getting along. Kanda was just being a grump because he couldn't pick tonight's meeting spot. He elbowed kanda under the table to get him to sit up. Kanda grunted and kicked back, but otherwise did as told. They weren't exactly completely over their childish fighting. Allen threw an amused glance Kanda's way before clearing his throat drawing the threes attention.
"I'm going to go and call it a day."

Lavi stretched his hand out to almost garb Allen's."Are you feeling alright?"

Allen shook his head, he was better then alright. The excitement of what he had planned kept pouring over his expressions and kept him going all day dispite how tired he still was.

"The mission took a lot out of me, I'm going to try and get some more sleep."

Lenalee dragged a hand over her face. Showing her exhaustion. "I think I'll do the same."

"Oh. Okay Allen see later you then."
He nodded and got up from the table. Before he could exit the room Kanda caught up to him.

"Hey," he placed a hand on Allen's back. "I hope that was just a excuse to leave."

Allen grinned. "Sort of. I am still tired so I'm going at least take a nap."


Allen didn't make any movement to leave Kanda's touch. "Remember tonight is my night."

"Whatever see you later moyashi. You know where to find me." kanda ran the hand up his back and gave his white hair a brush through with his fingers. The feeling of his touch lingered.

Hours later when it wasn't quite past five Allen made his way to the sitting room. They didn't have to tell the other when they were going to be there, sooner or later they'd be together. Allen was a mess of joy and excitement, he couldn't wait. Seeing kanda already there and relaxing on the couch basically tripled his feelings. Kanda looked ready to say something, a thoughtful expression on his face but Allen beat him to it.

"Yay! I don't have to wait!" Allen leaped over the couch and pulled kanda up off it. "Come on no time to waste!" he saw Kanda's jacket on the back of the ugly chair and rushed to force his arms in the sleeves.

"Oi Moyashi, slow down!" kanda was not liking being tossed around like a doll.

"Sorry." Allen backed off a bit and let kanda put on the jacket on himself. Kanda only che'ed at him. Allen didn't make a move as kanda stared at him with questioning eyes. He felt a little embarssed being so bubbly but didn't know what else to do. Hearing kanda sigh he looked back at him. Kanda had his arms open signaling the moyashi closer. He smiled brightly at the tender look and moved to accept the embrace. They stood quietly holding each other before kanda lowered his hands to hold Allen at the waist but still close enough to touch. Allen kept his arms around his neck and checked him over to see he had everything on. Satisfied he lifted his gaze to meet Kanda's. His face was tinged red.

"Okay, now come on lets go!" Allen grabbed Kanda's hand loosely in his and walked determinedly to one of the lower level exits. He didn't mess Kanda's tripping over his own fewer as Allen tugged him along.

"So where are we going Moyashi?" Kanda hid his own excitement, and curiosity well on his face but Allen could hear it in his voice.

"Somewhere not here." Allen held tight to Kanda's hand pulling him out the door and into the crisp evening air.

"Moyashi." He quicked his pace to match Allen's and intertwined their fingers.

"Hush kanda, I can't give it all away just yet."

"Then explain what you can."

"Nope." Allen moved the hair from his face as the wind picked up and niped his nose. "But I do have one question." he looked back to see kanda focusing intently on him. This warmed him from the inside out.

"Blue or grey?"


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