night meetings part fourteen

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"That took way too long Lenalee. Kumi said no longer then a few days, not weeks."

"To be fair I don't think having half the town turn out to be akumas was in the briefing."

Allen snorted remembering what a huge surprise it had been when he woke up on the third night surrounded. But it also made him greive silently for the many children he had seen akumatised. The sight of the children broke him down even more knowing the souls attached to them could only be their parents. Every time he defeated one he wanted to curl up and leave everything behind. They were so young, could have lived long and happy lives instead he would have to forever live with the sounds of their pleas to be saved.

"Are you sure you're alright? You've been very quiet since we left the town." Lenalee placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. He never told Lenalee what he saw as they battled those last few days.

"I'm fine! Just tired." Lenalee gave him a 'you're lying to me' look. He decided to change the subject. "And I don't think that train is ever going back on the tracks."

"No kidding." Lenalee rolled her eyey, much like their train did off the rail. They both had promised to never complain about a long train ride again after walking and accepting rides all the way back to the order. Loud tapping of feet dragged there attention to the hall on their right where a speeding figure moved down it.

"Holy shit! Lenalee! Allen!" Lavi ran arms open wide to them. Catching both and crushing the air from their lungs. "We just got notifed of your mission success but didn't know anything else!"

Allen gasped for air when he was released."Good to see you to Lavi!"

"Aw man it really is good to see you guys! But Allen you should probably go see kanda soon, he's done nothing but sulk since you left."

Allen did his best to hide an amused and excited smile."Oh, really?"

"Yeah its been pretty bad he even tried to fight komui for your location when you didn't come back on time. But nobody knew what happened."
Allen reeled at this information.
Lenalee looked just as surprised.

"What do you mean lavi?" She questioned. "Didn't you get our messages? We sent one everyday."

Lavi shook his head."That's the thing communication was cut out the first day, no static, nothing. Then when we tried to send someone to see what happened we couldn't locate the town."

Allen looked to Lenalee. "So that explains why no one met us at the dock." 'Why kanda didn't meet me at the dock'. He thought to himself.

Lenalee sighed. "Everything can be explained later. Too much happened to do it now."

Lavit nodded not prying.
"Anyway Komui lost it at first but damn kanda looked frantic. I'd never seen him so worried. Then the train didn't come back..." He trailed off looking at the two now back safe.  Lavi threw his arms around them again, forming a group hug. "It's good to see you guys." though Allen returned the questure he really wanted to see kanda and let him know that he was back, besides he could tell this was really a moment between lavi and Lenalee.

Gently removing himself he stepped back."I'm going to find kanda."

"Please do." Lavi smiled at him.

Allen worried his lip. Not knowing what to expect when he really did find kanda.

Pacing in front of the large panel window in the sitting room he and kanda basically had claimed, Allen waited for kanda. Instead of wandering around searching and wasting time he asked several people to pass on word to kanda that he wanted a fair rematch. He knew kanda would understand what he meant and now waited for him impatiently.

As soon as the door opened Allen was upon him pulling him in and shutting the door. Turning back around he could see Kanda stood in front of him surprised before it clicked that Allen was in fact actually there. Kanda's hands hovered over him asessing any possible or visible injuries.

Kanda's voice sounded scratchy and warm. "You're home. Shit your home Moyashi you-"

Allen wanted to sob. "I'm home." was all he could choke out to stop Kanda's next words. The way he said it tore down his walls. 'Home' it consumed his thoughts, this was his home, Kanda was his home. He pulled kanda down into a hug and felt a wave of relief wash over him.

"Yeah, you're home Allen."

Allen felt his eyes mist over when kanda said his name, his actually name. The arms around him tightened comforting and he nozzled his face into Kanda's neck.

They held each other for what must have been hours. Kanda slowly swayed them trying to calm the shorter male down. Allen yawned, drained from his overextended traveling and the sudden rush of emotions. Kanda stroked the back of his head.

"How about we reschedule that dinner for later and you can get some rest."

Allen would have protested of he wasn't so tired. And didn't want any aruguing to separate them. Allen twirled some of kanda's hair around his fingers.

"Just this one last time could you..?"

Kanda answered the unfinished question by placing a hand under his knees and hauling Allen up and holding him close. He expected to be taken to his room but kanda shocked him by walking over to the couch. Still holding Allen he slowly lowered himself on to it. Allen held tight around his neck not wanting to fall. Once on it kanda let him slide enough off that they were laying next to each other face to face.

"Sorry I hope you don't mind having company."

Allen laughed. "Oh my God shut up."

Kanda smirked at him and brushed the white hair from Allen's face. Allen's eyes dropped heavily and closed before he could say anything else.


Have a good night/morning/Day!


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