night meetings part thirteen

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"Allen?" A head peaked out from a mountinous pile of crumpled paper.

Allen sighed at how disorganized he was."Yes, Komui-san. You wanted to see me?"

"Correct." he seemed to be immersed in whatever the letter he pulled out with him said because he didn't look up, but still continued. "I've already talked to my dear Lenalee about this but you and her have been assigned to a job, of sorts, by the higher ups."

Allen avoided a tumbling stack of papers moving closer. "What do you mean by 'of sorts?"

"Well basically they want you to put up a good face for the order.  The town is a little out of reach for us and has had problems in the past."


"Yes, but you won't have to deal with any of that. The only other task is to collect some documents left behind by an akuma enthusiast. He apparently made some discoveries that even we have yet to make." Komui ripped the letter he was reading and tossing it a side. Giving Allen his full attention. "He was found dead before we could make any connections."chucould only nod as Komui dumped all this information on him. The pile shifted as kumoi walked out of it and towards what Allen could only assume was his desk.

"Good good. You both leave in an hour, so get ready."

"Why so early Komui-san!" Allen could only worry about his plans with Kanda.

"I'm sorry Allen but the train only goes that far once during the day and they want you there 'yesterday'." Komui emphasised yesterday with air qoutes.

Allen gulped running to get ready.

'Looks like I won't be meeting with kanda for a while.' Allen thought sadly.

Allen only carried a small case with a few items as he waited for Lenalee. He'd taken a shower in his short amount of time and changed back into his regular exorcist coat. His hair wasn't in a braid but the top half had been pulled back in a knot, bangs still down.

The only other sound then his franticly beating heart was the water occasionally rocking the boat down below. His foot tapped nerously, not because of the job but because he couldn't find Kanda. They'd went separate ways upon leaving the training room only giving each other a quick glance. The idea of leaving with out saying good bye made Allen anxious. Lenalee was due to arrive any minute and they would be off. He stared hard at his feet fighting the urge to go look again knowing they would miss their only train. Footsteps coming down the stairs caused Allen to slump sadly. Turning to climb down to the boat Allen spoke quietly.

"I guess it's time to go."

"And you're not going to say bye? The hell moyashi?"

Allen dropped his case into the boat and ran to meet kanda half way. Throwing his arms around his neck Allen cling to kanda.

"Jerk I couldn't find you!" he squeezed tighter as kanda stumbled a bit trying to find his balance.

Kanda wrapped his own arms around Allen's waist giving a deep rumbling laugh that travel through his chest. "Oi,since when were you so touchy?"

Allen laughed in kanda's ear.
"Shut up!" he rested his chin on Kanda's broad shoulder. "I haven't always been able to say good bye to the people I care about. It makes me feel, I don't know sad? This is just nice to feel instead."

"Then it's settled." Allen pulled back to face kanda eyebrow raised in question. "You are not allowed to leave until I see you, I don't care if it makes you a week late or messes with some higher plan I'm going to say bye just like this." Allen was speachless. There was so much attention and care in kanda's face that he hid in the crook of kanda's neck to hide his blazing blush.

"I'll do the same." He spoke against the skin of his neck. Kanda tensed then pulled him closer leaning his head on Allen's.


"I'm going away for a few days kanda, but we can have dinner together when I get back. Promise?"

"Don't worry we can figure something out a when you get back."


Have a good day morning/day/night!


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