Chapter Twenty: Em and I

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RedVacktor/Michael's P.O.V

Adam, Max, and I were at the arcade. We'd just arrived here from the taco truck. "Ok so what game should we play firs- Oh hey Joel!" said Max. Joel? "Hey guys!" said Joel. "Hey Joel! What are you doing here?" I asked. "Oh nothing. I just got bored and decided to come here. How about you guys?" I said. "We just came here from the taco truck. Wanna come with us and play some games?" Adam asked Joel. "Why not?" he replied. Joel, Adam, Max, and I went through the arcade playing every game in sight. After about an hour, we said our goodbyes and went home.

When I got home, I was about to watch a movie, but my phone started ringing. It was Em. She wanted to FaceTime call. "Hey Em!" I said. "Oh hey Red!" she replied. "So there was something I wanted to tell you.." said Em. "I'm listening!" I replied. "I uh, kinda like you.. You're really nice and absolutely hilarious.. I just thought I'd tell you." said Em. "Well uh, I kinda like you too, heh." I said back. "Really? Heh.. So um, do you wanna go online and go on a quest?" she asked "Sure!" I said. We went on that online game we play together and found a random quest to go on. During the quest, we fought some bosses, and won all the coins in the treasure chest at the end. "That was fun. Oh remember the second boss? He was so hard!" said Em. "Sure was! Hey my mom's calling me to dinner. See ya at school tomorrow!" I said. "Ok bye!" she replied.

After dinner I went upstairs and watched my TV. After a while I got bored and thought about this year. Let's see.. This school year I already made a lot of friends, the girl who I like likes me back, and I have straight A's. I think I'm off to a good start for HighSchool! I really think HighSchool will be alright ya know? And tomorrow's the start of a new school week. Also the week of the big math test. I think I'll get through it though. Besides, I've got a weekend of anime watching to look forward to at Jess's house with everyone who went with us to the river! I'm super excited for that. I just hope the whole year will be like this.

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