Cute Little Pet Names Are What Make The World Go Round

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Twilight's POV:
I woke up in a dark room, the only noise coming from the ceiling fan. I was scared, I didn't know how I got here. I didn't know where I was, and that's never a good place to be when you wake up.

I opened my eyes wider and looked around, pitch black. Nothing. The ceiling fan seemed to get louder, and then quiet back down. No. That's not the fan... that's... snoring!

I felt around for something to see with, a lamp, even a candle and some matches would do.

My fingers finally touched a beaded cord. A lamp! I pulled down on it, and a faint yellow glow seeped across the room.

I looked for the source of the snoring, and saw the silhouette of a person in the corner. I tried to get out of bed, but my legs wouldn't work properly.

What happened to me?

I tried to remember what happened last. Flash Sentry asked me if I would be willing to break up with Pinkie and date him. I told him absolutely not and to fuck off. He got angry and offered me a drink, which I accepted. I took a sip... and... that's it.  I couldn't remember anything after that, no matter how hard I tried.

"H-huh?" I heard from the corner. The voice sounded familiar, but my brain was so groggy, I couldn't quite place it.

I heard footsteps, the person got closer. They finally stepped into the light, and I could see their face, er... her face.

"Pinkie Pie!" I sighed, happy that I hadn't been kidnapped.

"Twilight!" She screamed, "You're finally up! We were so worried about you!" She ran up and threw her arms around me. It felt amazing to be back in her warm embrace, to smell her sugary scent.

"We?" I asked, confused as to what she meant. Pinkie Pie walked to the other side of the room and flipped a switch. The room was flooded with light. I saw the other four squint their eyes from the light, I guess they had been asleep, too.

"We were all super worried, and we refused to go home until we knew you were safe. Mr. and Mrs. Cake let us stay here until you woke up!" Pinkie beamed.

"What... happened to me Pinkie? My head hurts and I can't stand up." I asked, rubbing my eyes and scratching my head.

Pinkie Pie explained what happened after Flash Sentry gave me the drink, how I passed out and he dragged me to a closet. How Pinkie ran in on him taking off my clothes, and then beat the shit out of him with her knapsack. How Mr. and Mrs. Cake brought me up here and layed me down until I was feeling better.

Through all the explanation, one thing stuck with me, "Flash Sentry drugged me!?" I asked in disbelief.

"That what it seems like." Pinkie responded.

I just couldn't believe it. He was always so nice.

"Cam you stand?" Pinkie asked.

"I can try." I responded, she came over and helped me up. The hardwood floor was freezing cold against my bare feet, and my legs were still kind of weak.

"Are you okay? Do want to try it by yourself, or do you still want help?" Pinkie asked, she was very worried about me. I could see it her eyes, hear it in her voice, feel it in her embrace. She was worried about my current state, mental and physical.

"I... I'm fine Pinkie. Thank you." I said. She nodded, and let me go slowly. My legs wobbled, trying to maintain balance. I was up and walking again. "What time is it?" I asked, noting how dark it was outside.

Pinkie checked her phone, "It's one thirty in the morning." She said, I nodded, I knew it was late. "Look Twilight, it's late, and you're in no state to drive. The Cakes said we can all sleep here tonight if we want." She continued.

I nodded again, I knew she was right. I saw two air mattresses on the floor that I hadn't noticed before. Rarity and Applejack had one, and Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had the other. Pinkie Pie had fashioned a blanket tent in the corner and was sleeping there.

"Pinkie?" I asked.

"Yeah?" She said.

"Can you sleep up here? With me?"

"Sure Twilight. I would love that."

Pinkie's POV:
I got some pillows from my little fort in the corner, and layed them in the bed next to Twilight.

"Hey Twi?" I asked.

"Yes Pinkie?" She replied.

"Uhm... I don't have my pajamas.... You wouldn't mind if I slept in my underwear would you?"

"No Pinkie, I don't mind. In fact, can you take off my clothes for me?"

"Heh, sure Twi."

I slipped off my boots and socks. Then my shirt, and finally my skirt. Then I took off Twilight's clothes, leaving us both in our underwear.

I climbed into bed and snuggled up next to Twilight. I kissed her on the cheek, and hugged her tight. After the rough day she had, I was gonna make sure that tonight was pure bliss.

Twilight's POV:
We woke up next morning entwined in a tangle of arms and legs. We slipped on our clothes from yesterday, at least until we could get home to shower and change.

"Good morning my beautiful little angel!" Pinkie whispered as she kissed me on the forehead.

"And good morning to you, my precious cupcake." I responded, kissing her back. The saccharine-satured pet names probably weren't going to stick, but it was cute for the moment.

Pinkie and the rest of us thanked the Cakes for letting us sleep there, and then left for Pinkie's house. My parents were gone for a few weeks on a business trip, so I was staying at her place.

"Hey Twilight?" Pinkie said on the ride home.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I kind of liked being called cupcake... can you... can you keep doing that?" She continued. I looked over and saw her blushing while playing with her hair.

It was super cute when she got like this. "Sure, cupcake." I kissed her cheek and pulled into her driveway.

We walked in the house, and Pinkie headed to the bathroom. "Hey Twilight?" She yelled.

"Yeah Pinkie?" I yelled back.

"I'm about to take a shower!"


"Wanna... take the shower with me?"

I smiled, "Absolutely cupcake!"

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