A Sunset On The Horizon

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Pinkie's POV:
I woke up in the morning and opened my window to let the light seep in. I peeked out of the window, and saw someone moving in next door.

I didn't even know that house was for sale....

I decided to do the neighborly thing and bake a cake for them. It took a few hours, long enough for them to finish unpacking.

After the cake was fully baked and decorated, I got a text from Twilight.

--Text Conversation--
TS: Hey Pinkie, can you come over to my house?
PP: Sure Twi! Be there soon!
TS: Thanks cupcake!
PP: No prob Bob! XD
--End Of Conversation--

I decided that I could run over to Twilight's after I dropped off the cake. I knocked on the door, "I got it mom!" I heard a girl yell. These new neighbors had a daughter!

The door opened, and there stood a girl. Very pretty, not as pretty as Twilight, but still attractive. She had a shock of yellow through her red hair.

"Hi! I'm Sunset Shimmer!" She said cheerfully, "Who are you?"

"My name is Pinkie Pie! I saw you moving in and I decided to introduce myself!" I said, matching her cheeriness. "I brought you a cake!" I grinned and outstretched my arms.

"Honey, who's at the door?" I heard another girl ask, must be her mom.

"Mom, this is our new neighbor Pinkie Pie. She saw us moving in and wanted to introduce herself." Sunset said, "Look! She baked a cake!" This girl seemed nice, I was happy she wasn't some big jerk.

"Oh thank you sweetheart!" Sunset's mom said, "If you want you can come in and we can introduce ourselves to you."

I shook my head, "I'd love to, but I can't right now." I said, the mom frowned. "See, my girlfriend just called and said she needed me for something. Maybe another time, you seem like a lovely family! Hope you like the neighborhood!" I yelled as I ran off to see what Twilight needed.

Twilight's POV:
I heard a knock on my door, and brought Pinkie Pie in.

"What's wrong Twilight?" She asked.

"I need you to help me. Your parents told me to bring you to their house, and that can't happen without you." I responded, and grabbed her arm. I dragged her to my car and started driving towards her parents house.

Pinkie Pie started rattling on about a new neighbor and I kind of tuned her out. "She's really nice and super pretty... not as pretty as you though. Her mom is nice too. I baked them a cake! You know I didn't even know that house was for sale?"

She kept rattling on about this new girl until eventually my curiosity was peaked. "Does this new girl have a name?" I asked, pulling up to a red light.

"Oh yeah! Her name is Sunset Shimmer!" She beamed.

Wait. Did she just say?

I slammed on the breaks. "Sunset Shimmer?" I asked.

"Yep!" She confirmed.

"And you said she was nice?"

"Super nice!"

"Well that's wierd, considering what an asshole she was back in second grade." I muttered.

"Wait... you know her?" Pinkie asked, shocked.

"You could say that," I started, "she went to the same school as me in second grade, and she bullied the crap out of me."

"Well... that was second grade. If she's our age, then she's in her second year of high school! People change Twi, she seemed really nice." Pinkie continued.

I sighed, "Fine. After this thing with your parents I want to meet her."

Pinkie Pie gave a huge smile, "Okie dokie lokie!"

Pinkie's POV:
Twilight pulled up to my parents house and we got out of the car. I walked up and knocked on the door.

They both answered. "Hiya Pinkie!" My dad said, "since today is your birthday and all, we figure we'd show you a little party trick we've been working on." He finished, mom gave knowing smile, and dad chuckled.

I let them lead me to the backyard. "Now sugar lump," my mom said, using my nickname for when I was like... eight. "see how the yard is empty? Well, we're going to throw this tarp into the yard, and your birthday present will appear under it."

I nodded, and she threw the tarp. When it landed something did appear under it. It was big, and had an irregular shape.


Could it be?

Mom ripped off the tarp, and under it was a pink minivan with a baby blue trim. It was amazing, the car I had dreamed about forever!

I ran up and hugged my parents, "Thank you guys! I'm not even gonna ask how you made the car appear out of thin air but aaaaaahhhhh I love you both!" I started tearing up, my mom kissed my cheek and my dad gave me a big hug.

I thanked them for the great gift, and they told me to come back soon now that I had a car. I promised that I would.

I drove home in my car while Twi drove hers. We got to my house, and I agreed to bring Twilight to Sunset's house.

I knocked on the door, and Sunset answered again. "Pinkie you're back! And this must your girlfrie-" She stopped when she saw Twilight, "Twilight? You're Pinkie Pie's girlfriend? Let me tell you Pinkie, you've got a genius in her!" Sunset beamed at the two of us, and I glanced over at Twilight with an 'I told you so' look, she glared at me.

"Twilight, I want to say sorry for being such a jerk to you in second grade, I was jealous of how many friends you had and how smart you were. I hope we can leave that back in Canterlot. This is Ponyville, and I want to be friends." She said, reaching out to shake Twi's hand, "Can I make it up to you? I could take you to a movie or something."

Twi shook her hand, "A movie sounds great, I'm free tomorrow!" Twilight smiled.

I knew that this wasn't a date, but a part if me couldn't help but feel jealous.

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