FEARLESS( a Seth Clearwater love story)11

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The days got lonelier the only person that kept me sane was Seth I missed my family, so much. It didn’t help that Jake put Seth back on border patrol. So the plan was everyday someone would stay in the house. Just one person so there was two people guarding the border that we claimed. If a howl was heard who every was in the house was supposed to guard the house if a second howl was made they needed back up. This worked great for the first few days but I woke up this morning and remembered I would be stuck in the house all day with Leah.

“Good morning baby boy” I said smiling brightly at my nephew. 

He smiled back. Carlisle had sent me a text telling me everything I should expect in his development. Within a matter of days he should be talking and as of now he was sitting up on his own and could understanding me. 

“are you ready for breakfast?” I asked 

Eddie’s smile grow bigger. He was looking more and more like Edward everyday. I grabbed a diapers and some wipes and changed his diaper,

“one of these days your going to go potty in the toilet so I don’t have to this anymore”  I said shrugging my nose at the smell.

Baby Edward let out a chorus of giggles. I laughed with him as I put him in some fresh clothes.  I grabbed his blanket and his bottle and went down stairs. 

“Good morning Leah” I said as bright and cherry as I could. 

She said nothing but she did glare. 

“do you mind holding Eddie while I clean up his bottles and get it ready?” I asked 

Leah’s eyes got wide.

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” she said backing away. 

“it’s just for a second, I would put him in the swing thing but he hates it” I said stepping closer. “please?” 

Leah finally took Eddie

“is there a certain way I have to hold him? He is only a couple days old, Right?” She asked.

“nope he can hold up his own head and he can sit up on his own so your good” I smiled at her before I went and washed out the bottle and refilled it with blood.

I walked back into the living room and noticed Leah hadn’t moved an inch. 

“Thanks Leah” I said 

“uh, yeah” she sat down on the couth.

I sat down on the other end of the couth.

“ok handsome, at lunch time were going to try some human food” I said 

He frowned. 

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