FEARLESS( a Seth Clearwater love story) 16

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Me and Seth ran as fast as we could to the front of the house. The fight had began.

 “Lilly Take Eddie!” Edward yelled 

I did as I was told and took my nephew.  From just a day of not holding him I relised he was about the size of a toddler.

“auntie what’s going on?” he asked 

“A party for Jake” I said quickly bringing him in the house and into Edwards room. 

“but why does everyone look so angry?” he asked 

“Daddy cooked some bad food” I said.

“oh” he said his lips forming a perfect ‘o’

I watched out the window for some sign of the fight but I saw none, we were on the wrong side of the house. I hoped Eddie hearing was as good as mine because I could hear almost everything if I focused enough. I closed my eyes and listen for Seth. I jumped when I heard the door to Edward’s room open. I quickly turned around and met a pair of striking red eyes .

“Nicole?” I squeaked. “what are you doing here? Where’s Carlisle?” I asked picking up Eddie.

“that’s none of your business, it’s convenient that the pack decided to attack when I decided to came take my son” she said with a smile. 

“Nicole it’s not safe for you to be around him, you might hurt him” I said trying not to get hurt myself.

I looked deep in her red eyes searching for traces of the signature gold but found none.

“have you been drinking humane blood?” I asked 

she laughed and it seemed more dominated. 

Edward! Get in here quick you crazy girl friend is in here! HELP NOW! BECAUSE NOW WOULD BE A GREAT TIME TO BE OVER PROTECTIVE! I shouted at my brother. 

Nicole advanced towards me. I waited for my brother for a few more seconds but he never showed. I used my vampire speed to run around her. I felt her steel like nail dig into my side. It slowed me down but it couldn’t stop me. I ran out side and noticed everything was at a stand still. I paused. And let me tell you that was a huge mistake. Nicole punched now this would be okay if she wasn’t a new born! 

“Ahhh!” I screamed.

Alice, Edward and Seth ran over. Edward grabbed Nicole. Alice took Eddie. He looked so scared and Seth wrapped me in his arms. Edward looked ferrous. I didn’t want him to be. I was really stating to like Nicole. My vision went blurry. 

“Seth” I whispered.

“yeah?” he asked.

He almost looked as scared as Eddie.

“I love you”

My vision went black the pain in my stomach unbearable.      

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