Chapter 32

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"Sanyukta get up" randhir poked sanyukta who was sleeping peacefully.
"Ummm" sanyukta turned her face away.
"Sanyukta get up naa. I am very hungryy" he shook her again.
"I am very tired randhir. Cook urself please" she opened her eyes slowly.
"No its ur chance to cook today" randhir pouted.
"Then wait for sometime I am tired ron" she turned her face away closing her eyes.
Randhir sighed and got up from the bed finding his clothes which were thrown in some directions.
He gathered sanyuktas clothes and kept them at her side properly.
While gathering the clothes he spotted the brown envelope.
He wore his clothes and freshened up a little.
He sat on the tea table of his bedroom and took the envelope in his hand.
He still wondered if he should open it or not?
He finally decided to open the envelope.
He tore the seal of the envelope when he heard sanyuktas sound.
She sat straight on the bed yawning and stretching her hands forgetting the fact that she was naked.
She stopped as she saw randhir running towards the window and closing the curtains which were open giving a clear view of sanyuktas body to outside world.
She covered her body with ths bedsheet and smiled at her possessive boyfriend.
She called him near her and he like a obedient child went to her.
She sat on her knees on the bed with the bedsheet still around her hour glass frame.
She kissed his cheek " ill make breakfast in 10 minutes" sanyuing so she took the skin of his jaw between her teeth and left for the bathroom with her clothes lying besides her.
He smiled at the cute girlfriendhe got.
He folded the remaining bedsheets and put the pillows lying on the floor back on their places.
He again sat on the table and his eyes caught the envelope again.
He took the envelope again but heard the noice of the bathroom gate open.
He saw her coming out drapped in his towel.
Towel barely covered any of her body.
"Where are ur clothes?" He asked.
"Woh i forgot its ur room and i put my clothes in the machine so i had to use your towel" she shrugged her shoulders.
"Come ill drop utill ur room" randhir told her possessively yet again to which she giggled.
"I can go myself ..koi nai dekhega mujhe " she pushed him and was about to leave the room.
When he pulled her again "i don't trust anybody wait" saying so he removedthe t-shirt he was wearing and made her wear that above the towel.
"You are soo cute" she pulled his cheeks and kissed them one by one.
His stomach growled loudly making her adore him more.
She removed the towel from below his tshirt and made her way outside wiping her hair.
"Don't go down like this" he was stunned as to see her walk down in just his tshirt and nothing below it.
"Chill mr.possessive all the windows are closed with their curtains " she blew a kiss in his direction and walked down the stairs.
"Yeah don't forget to get the envelope down" she yelled from down to remind him.
He entered his room smiling again on his cute girlfriends antics.
He saw the envelope and opened the envelope their was a letter and behind the letter were some pages.
He removed the letter and the pictures behind on the papers shocked him beyond wits.

To be continued ❤

I know i am super late🙈🙈

What do you think about the letter and pictures ???

Love you all ❤👅

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