Chapter 35

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He felt a pair of arms hugging his neck from back.
Her chin on his shoulder was making his shoulder with tears.
He knew she had loads of questions to ask right now ; but she needed to cry to let her pain out once and forever.
It had been10 minutes since she was hungging him from behind and crying.
He removed her hands and turned around getting up.
He made her sit on the chair and went inside the kitchen once.
He got the plate of salad and Sandwich and warm soup.
He put the plate on the dinning table and sat besides ; she looked up from the table and turned her head from left to right.
Oh how cute she looked even when the small button nose of hers had turned pink.
"You sure u won't it? " randhir smiled a litlle rubbig her nose with the back of his hand ; in response she again shook her head from left to right.
"Two bite of food and u get answer to one question" randhir smiled a little more wiping her tears and she looked at him furiously.
"Please na" she pouted while he was busy putting her hair back behind her ear.
"2 bites = 1 answer ; and its final" he smiled kissing her forehead.
She twisted her nose a little and opened her mouth like a child ; randhir took a piece of sandwhich and put it before her mouth.
She ate the bite in a hurry and took one more in a hurry " calm down ; i am not running away" randhir smiled wiping the side of her mouth.
"How do u know my parents?"
"I was intrested in business; so i used to study small cases of my dad's company.Your parents company was of them"
" and.." before she could speak he stuffed one spoon of salad ; she ate the other one too.
"How come u know that i was their daughter?"
"When ur parents called i saw the display picture and while you were talking to them i recognised their voice so " with this randhir made her drink two spoons of soup.
After every answer a tear would leave her eyes and he would lovingly wipe it.
"They wanted to sell me?" She finally asked him with a straight face.
"They any how wanted the deal with my parents company ; as i told i was studying their case ; i was 15 then which means u were around 12-13 then ; i went to my parents office room in my house to tell him about the flaws in the deal ; when i heard your dad speak that my parents wanted a girl child which they couldn't as my mom got a operation done after i was done to stop her from getting pregnant again , ur mom offered you in exchange of the deal . My mom was ready to adopt you but my dad threw them out of the house. "
Their was no emotion visible on her face neither hurt nor anger ; just nothing was visible.
She opened her mouth and randhir smiled and stuffed two pieces of sandwhich in her mouth.

To be continued ❤

So what do you think of her parents ?
How should she react to this ??

Divorced Bachelors - Sandhir ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now